Local ladies vs visiting ones

So I was wondering if anyone has found a difference in service between local ladies and those that travel? Are local ladies more likely to provide a good session because they are looking to establish regulars? Do those that visit have less motivation to provide a good session because they are here today and gone tomorrow? What have you all found or is there any link at all between service and where the lady resides?
It's always 50/50 chance they will be good or bad.

I pay close attention to Reviews posted by prior if they sound to good to be true I move on. If the reviews are one Review wonders I disregard.

If I see a reviewer that has 10 reviews, a long post history I put emphasize on that review. If I see a review from a well known hobbiests I move that one to the top of the list.
tbone77494's Avatar
Fizley is pretty dead on.