Date: Late Nov
Name: Star
Address and Phone: Luxury Spa - 11250 Harry Hines Blvd. #400. Phone: (214) 399-5746
Address: -
Phone: 214-399-5746
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: LFK, DFK, BBBJ, MPCFS
Hair Length and Color: Chin-length black
Age: 30+
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: Star's put some weight on her, so her usual athletic look is softer. She's still got a nicer body than most... 5'4" with solid B/C cups, still pretty slim and sexy. Overall, she was the same Star, a little crazy (good & bad), but the time spent is always great. The ROS is probably a little too WK so be forewarned, but I'm a Star fan and can only report what I've been told and what I experienced.
Recommendation: Yes