Foxy is gorgeous just seems really YMMV if she likes you or not. The girls should always get to choose I just think if she doesn’t want to have a session with a guy she should say no and not give crappy service and expect to get a tip. I was excited to see her but got the bad vibe in the first 5 seconds.
Originally Posted by playerplano
I agree, nobody wins if a girl really doesn't have a choice in who to see.. she can't will herself to give good service.. yeah, she can try to fake through it, but it doesn't work. she gets bad publicity, her Spa shares the bad report. like I just posted in another review thread, those first 200 seconds are crucial. you really know by then, if you are a bad match. as a Hobby guy, if you get the mismatch vibe early, consider cutting loose, and choosing another. but the place to start is allowing a Lady to reject a guy upfront.
I think. Most of her clients are curiosity seekers. I've even considered it just because of all the mixed things I read.
Originally Posted by orlando2715
I disagree here.. most of Foxy's clients understand or have heard she is the cutest little young sexy Catholic in Town. what guy would NOT be drawn to that? naturally he hopes he will click with Foxy, and most have.. some guys will find her compelling even if they don't click too well. cute, sexy, young and Catholic are compelling adjectives!