switter twitter or both?

So many boards to keep up keep.
What is the benefits and downfalls of each.
what do these Arkansas people look at?
Ladies if you only did one to make new friends what would you sign up for?
Guys what do you look at?
austin88998833's Avatar
From a hobbyist viewpoint, I much prefer twitter but it’s not without its shortcomings. I tried Switter for a minute but it was too clunky and not user friendly for me
Both - because if Twitter ever decides to go SW-unfriendly, you want to be the ones with a Switter following already and not the ones frantically trying to get a following there. I'm not saying Twitter is going to do that - but stranger things have happened. I agree with Austin that Switter is clunky but it's really the last SW friendly social media platform after Twitter. Lots of eggs in the Twitter basket right now.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Not sure if this is the appropriate thread, but feel free to remove if not.

I’m back on Twitter after taking some time off and I’d like to connect with some of you folk out there. PM for my user name, or you can leave yours on here and I’ll add you!
Twitter for me!
Hot Summer's Avatar
Twitter for me
They both serve different purposes. For me, Twitter is more for socializing and sharing my interests. Whereas almost all of my posts on Switter are ads as I don't find it that easy to engage in conversations on there.

I'm on both sites by the way.
I'm on a bunch of them. IMHO... Switter is all but dead for Arkansas. Twitter has a good presents for Arkansas. Privatedelights.ch is So so. Tryst, again, so so. OH2, dead again. Eros, not much there either for Arkansas. Then there's STG (gag), same old same old.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I don't use Switter much (kind of forgot about it).
Twitter can be fun (i'm on it here and there).
I get appts from it every once in awhile but not on purpose as I don't blatantly advertise on it (probably should lol but **shrugs**).