Landing strip intel

My go to has been divas for a while. However, I want to try landing strip due to reviews. One question: do they allow touching during dance? Divas highly encourages it and it would be a deal breaker for me. Thanks.
There is no club policy about touching the dancer. I don't recall any dancer denying some contact - waist, legs, back. YMMV for NE and definitely SE per dancer.
The Diletante's Avatar
Landing Strip is as close to a "brothel" as you can get in a club. Get yourself a VIP and you have two areas to play (without views from other customers -- especially the one way to the back of the place).

Don't waste my time asking for specific dancer's names. I'm just talking generally (compared to other clubs).

As for my credentials:

I have had bbfs multiple times in seven clubs in Austin: Landing Strip, Yellow Rose, P10 Highland (formerly Sugar's), Palazio, P10 North, Rick's, and Expose (before it was closed). Oh, make that eight -- I forgot about XTC (a nude club) - but that was 12 years ago and happened only once. All the other clubs have been multiple encounters with various dancers. But remember, I've been frequenting these clubs since 2003 and, therefore, have literally had years of hunting and conquering experiences.
I'm only in town for one more night. I'm thinking I need to hit the landing strip with The Diletante. ,