15 ads per day on STG I stay far far away

What say you fellas?
CatMan4u's Avatar
Yes must not get any takers if you need to post that much
CandyCrush4u's Avatar
I schedule mine. They automatically post every 15 mins for 4 hours at a time lol
CatMan4u's Avatar
Hi candycrush4 u
Tk421trooper's Avatar
I’m with you on this Boater! There is so much noise on STG, I can see a few times a day otherwise you’d get lost in the shuffle. But more than 6 or 8 seems desperate. That said I have no clue how the site operates from the providers POV.
Seeing the same posts several times a day makes them seem less legit to me. I am still trying to get reacquainted with the hobby, so seeing so many ads makes me quite nervous and less likely to take the plunge.
Exchequer's Avatar
Seeing the same posts several times a day makes them seem less legit to me. I am still trying to get reacquainted with the hobby, so seeing so many ads makes me quite nervous and less likely to take the plunge. Originally Posted by Ruston

Well it's too bad you can't hide the ones you know are not legit so you don't seem them anymore.

I also schedule mine for all day. My ads run every 15 minutes.