That was an epic review of your fantasy sir and i salute you!
There are some beautiful trannies I just personally dont want a penis around me other than my own.
But that was some epic shit right there
Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy
Thanks. I have done other interesting things with t-girls that is not in this specific review. I don't do reviews much. My regular I go to is probably the most beautiful in Dallas area. She doesn't really have implants in titties. Hers feel the most real. She is a blonde, light skin Latina. She told me she is not seeing new people, so I had to tell the other guys who are asking me about her not to contact her, unfortunately. If you saw her in person, you wouldn't know she was ts unless she told you. I am getting tons of messages on here and ourhome2 right now about men who are curious and want to try. I explain to them how I started about two years ago, or almost three now. I don't force anyone to do anything. I suggest them to think about the decision heavily, because the first time will be very weird. The first time will boggle their minds.
What I will tell you is no gay man would like a transwoman. That is not how it works, but people don't seem to comprehend that. PM me and I will share my first time story with a ts girl. I actually lost my V to DaniDoesDoIt here on eccie back around my 2015. I think my review is still listed. I still see her from time to time. She has been the best over the years and helped with some things and advice. She is a MILF with a vagina. Not a t-girl. My first ts was a few years after Dani, during a time when I was going to school, craigslist was still active, and I am a very horny man. I was desperate and delved into all sorts of things online searching for ways. My first experience was one who posted "FREE FREE FREE." I will not say her name, but in my experience so far, any girls in general who post free have not been the best experiences at all. I saw three free ones this Summer when I was in the Bay Area near Oakland and Berkeley through apps. So my first ts girl experience was with someone I was definitely not attracted to, and not as feminine as my regular now. I almost lost my mind after that first time. So one of my biggest pieces of advice to the guys contacting me now is to be 1000% certain about their decision and be attracted to that person. For me, I have always been attracted to white and latina women with amazing butts. My first ts was the opposite of that. I don't force or encourage it on anyone, because once you start with the ones you are attracted to, you will not be able to stop. My desperation led to curiosity, the curiosity led to watching videos, and the videos led to the actual thing, and it soon became an addiction. My first experience was bad, but I learned to accept that, and I started seeing the ones I was actually attracted to. I have come to accept ts as women. It may be strange for some men to understand this concept.
If you think THIS is strange for you, search a TransMan. I could never be with a TransMan because I am not attracted to men. It freaks me out. If you are a straight male and you are attracted to a TransMan, THAT would be considered gay. Think about that. There is a difference between a TransWoman and TransMan. The news and media mostly talk about TransWomen as a bad thing.