BOOM! Trump Defense Opens With Schiff's Fake Transcript.

Predictable but brilliant. Supposedly the blood drained out of Schiff's face. That bullshit of his that would have gotten most Committee heads censured was played in front of the Senate after 3 days of Schiff lying.

That has to be devastating. Three days of Schiff claiming stuff "debunked" and "conspiracy theories" and "end of the world as we know it" then Schiff is caught lying on the House floor. Heck, lets play it on the Senate floor as to wreck his credibility in one short clip.

Game. Set. Match.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Predictable but brilliant. Supposedly the blood drained out of Schiff's face. That bullshit of his that would have gotten most Committee heads censured was played in front of the Senate after 3 days of Schiff lying.

That has to be devastating. Three days of Schiff claiming stuff "debunked" and "conspiracy theories" and "end of the world as we know it" then Schiff is caught lying on the House floor. Heck, lets play it on the Senate floor as to wreck his credibility in one short clip.

Game. Set. Match. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I'm sure all the the dim twit's in the forum think Adam Schitt is a hero just like Obama was their messiah
I think it would have been better if the played phone call when the Russian comedian prankster's played his dumbass with naked picture's of Trump with the Russian hooker's

Schiff is a faggot like Assup.
Predictable but brilliant. Supposedly the blood drained out of Schiff's face. That bullshit of his that would have gotten most Committee heads censured was played in front of the Senate after 3 days of Schiff lying.

That has to be devastating. Three days of Schiff claiming stuff "debunked" and "conspiracy theories" and "end of the world as we know it" then Schiff is caught lying on the House floor. Heck, lets play it on the Senate floor as to wreck his credibility in one short clip.

Game. Set. Match. Originally Posted by gnadfly
This is why this Impeachment Trial will be totally dismissed in the Senate. If Adam Schiff lied about the Phone Call Transcript what else did he lie about, that's the message that Lawyer was presenting to the Senate. He also went over six facts of the Phone call between President Trump and President Zelenskky that will never change and prove Trump didn't violate any laws or policies or violate the United States Constitution.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
How do we get Schitt's head on a pike?
Does self impaled count?
I want him impaled on a pike. Like Vlad the Impaler did.
lustylad's Avatar
I would rather see that bug-eyed bugger placed in a stock & pillory in the public square beneath public urinals so little boys and girls can pee on him 24/7.

I want him impaled on a pike. Like Vlad the Impaler did. Originally Posted by gnadfly
When the smoke all clears and Trump is still standing Schiff will swallow a 9mm.
Id like to see shitff condemned to watch rosie odonnell re runs
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Id like to see shitff condemned to watch rosie odonnell re runs Originally Posted by claudefive

Claude five.....reminds me of a ship.
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2020, 06:46 PM
Schiff sees himself at the center of a grat movement to oust DJT. He sees his position as a stepping stone to prominence and to ascend to the Office of POTUS. He is just drooling in excitement over what he sees as his lifetime opportunity.

What he does not see coming is the response to the faux impeachment and all his myriad lies - being exposed on Senate floor.

He may continue ini the House as a rep from the Socialist state of kalifornia - but even with granny feinstein in her dotage he will never be electable to the next steps .

too bad - Schiff!!!
The laughable thing is that he has made his name a synonym for feces.
bambino's Avatar

BAHHAHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
At least Malcolm McDowell was cool in that movie. One of my ATF movies. I bet Schiff pukes if he tells the truth.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Monday ShifT get real ... can't wait!


bambino's Avatar
The Trump team should have requested a prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and then a vote.