Wichita Massage Providers - Suggestions?

I appreciate a good massage with a happy ending of course. There are a couple providers in town that are good including Michelle at Diamond. Interested to know if there are any other providers in Wichita.

I've posted this question before w/o much luck in responses so I know it's probably a scarce thing in Wichita. If you have a provider you currently see or have seen in the past shoot me a message. Thank you!
id also like some reccomendations
SmallWonder's Avatar
Generally speaking, there are more AMPs in town that provide a nice ending than the ones that don't. Some are more reliable than others; some have a more open menu than others.

On the East side of town, Diamond (across from Town East, behind Wendy's), Oriental Pearl (On North Carriage Parkway), Comfort (E Harry, near the Hospital) and Magical (N Edgemoor) would be good places to start.

On the West Side, Star (near Home Depot), Blue Sky (near Central & Tyler), Sun (near Central & West) and the place at Douglas & Meridian have been fairly reliable.

Beijing near Lincoln & George Washington, B-H Spa at Pawnee and I-135, and Marvelous near Broadway and S 47th have also had good reports from time to time.

If you just Google Massages, there are AMPs that should be avoided, as no extras are available. Places such as DTM on S Rock Road, China Foot Spa at Central & Woodlawn and Shanghai Massage on E Central a few blocks from I-135 would fall into this category.

Hope this helps some.
Generally speaking, there are more AMPs in town that provide a nice ending than the ones that don't. Some are more reliable than others; some have a more open menu than others. Originally Posted by SmallWonder
This is a good list. Thank you!

I should have been more specific in my question. I am interested in non-AMP massage providers. I've kept an eye on the normal sites that have popped up since BackPage went away but can't seem to find much at all.

I remember a few years back there were a small handful of non-AMP massage providers but they have seemed to went away.