A recent review of me was brought to my attention...as Redleg42 made a comment that I would like to address. First, I would like to apologize, once again, to Redleg42. It's never my intention to have to cancel...nor to make anyone's life miserable for doing so.
Sometimes, life just happens...and sometimes, it happens at the worst possible moment! I realize it's frustrating...I can completely emphasize, as I deal with cancellations and NCNS's, on a weekly...sometimes, daily basis.
I've never advertised myself as being perfect...I do the best I can and try to be as fair as possible. I've made some miserable mistakes and have screwed up many times over...but, I've managed to sprinkle some happiness along the way...and try not to take things for granted.
If I have to cancel for any reason...I always give an honest explanation and offer some sort of compensation...that's been my norm for many years. I think anyone who's been around the hobby for the last nine years can attest to that. Not sure about the other cancellations Redleg42 was talking about...as it must have been over six months ago, but I do know that I had to cancel many appointments, between Jan-May timeframe, after I injured my arm.
I didn't realize how this type of injury would affect me and my ability to meet my committments. Instead of going through with the set appointments...I made the decision to cancel when my arm would hurting...rather than giving someone a half-assed session.
When I extend my apology and explanation...and someone doesn't accept it...and gets rude, obnoxious, or tries to bully me into thinking I owe them something...that's when I draw the line. I do not owe anyone anything...if I extend an apology and offer a compensation...that's a COURTESY.
Saying that...I would like to clarify Redleg42's last comment about my *last minute* cancellation with Sonya and Addison. I did NOT cancel at the last minute. My participation was contingent on a prior committment that I had with a client of mine who had just returned from Afghanistan. Sonya was well aware of that...and I told her as soon as I got the message that my client had made it into SA...the same day as their party.
I would never cancel on my good friends Sonya and Addison without good reason.
Life's too short to sweat the small stuff...let's not forget what's really important...we have so much to be grateful for...and so little time to enjoy it all!
Have a great weekend everyone!