The Democrats conundrum

bambino's Avatar
What do they want to be? Socialists? Or Socialist lite? The AOC wing supports Bernie, so Fauxcahontas has to go. The Socialist lites have Biden, Buttplug, Klobegogher, Minine Me, Both factions have to winnow it down to one candidate and let them duke it out. If not, a brokered convention. A disaster in the making. Get out the Jiffy Pop.

Edit: in the case of HoDummer, Jiffy Lube. For those elbow deep situations that are sure to come.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The Socialist lites have Biden, Buttplug, Klobegogher, Minine Me, Both factions have to winnow it down to one candidate and let them duke it out. Originally Posted by bambino
Separate the wheat from the chaff? I would have used the phrase "whittle it down".

The same could be asked about the new right. Is it the party of Trump? Or the Republican party? Does the Republican party still exist?

bambino's Avatar
Separate the wheat from the chaff? I would have used the phrase "whittle it down".

The same could be asked about the new right. Is it the party of Trump? Or the Republican party? Does the Republican party still exist?

Loom dumbass, the Republican establishment has been fighting Trump since 2015. Romney is still trying. But Trump now has 92% of support amongst Republicans. He’s won that war. If you’re too stupid to see this hasn’t been going on in the DNC since 2016 you’re fucking stupid. Bernie beat Hillary by 60 pts in NH in 2016. He only won by 2pts tonight. The DNC(Establishment) has to get behind one so called “moderate” to take Bernie out. Now have another swig and pass out.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Loom dumbass, the Republican establishment has been fighting Trump since 2015. Romney is still trying. But Trump now has 92% of support amongst Republicans. He’s won that war. If you’re too stupid to see this hasn’t been going on in the DNC since 2016 you’re fucking stupid. Bernie beat Hillary by 60 pts in NH in 2016. He only won by 2pts tonight. The DNC(Establishment) has to get behind one so called “moderate” to take Bernie out. Now have another swig and pass out.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Separate the wheat from the chaff? I would have used the phrase "whittle it down".

The same could be asked about the new right. Is it the party of Trump? Or the Republican party? Does the Republican party still exist?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Jed can whittle and explain fast women to jethro at the same time ..

the GOP is the grand old party again!


bambino's Avatar
Jed can whittle and explain fast women to jethro at the same time ..

the GOP is the grand old party again!


Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I guess EccieLoser is a Bernie Bro. If you put his numbers and Warrens number together they get beat by so so-called moderates numbers put together. So who will drop out soon? Warren on the Commie side? Who on the less Commie side? Biden? Gopher girl? Fag Boy? Minnie Commie?

In other late breaking news: Duval Patrick is dropping out!!!!!! Obammies Boi. Like he had a chance.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I guess EccieLoser is a Bernie Bro. If you put his numbers and Warrens number together they get beat by so so-called moderates numbers put together. So who will drop out soon? Warren on the Commie side? Who on the less Commie side? Biden? Gopher girl? Fag Boy? Minnie Commie?

In other late breaking news: Duval Patrick is dropping out!!!!!! Obammies Boi. Like he had a chance. Originally Posted by bambino

news reports call it Bernie, Buttplug, Knobtard, Warren and Corn Pop in that order.

a bit early to write off fouxahountis and Corn Pop but there's always the 29th in South Carolina!

i find fauxihantous's fall even more satisfying than Corn Pop's. what a humiliation! not only can't she beat a Commie and a Fag she can't even beat the knobsucker. or whatever that idiot's bitch's name is...


Sanders projected to narrowly win New Hampshire primary, but Democratic race remains in flux
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Loom dumbass, the Republican establishment has been fighting Trump since 2015. Romney is still trying. But Trump now has 92% of support amongst Republicans. He’s won that war.

Originally Posted by bambino

So it's not the GOP anymore. It's the party of extreme stupidity. His party. Not the old party. Got it.

bambino's Avatar

So it's not the GOP anymore. It's the party of extreme stupidity. His party. Not the old party. Got it.


Trump got over 120000 votes last night. That’s a record for an incumbent POTUS in NH. More than Obama and Bush combined. You got that too skippy? I doubt it.

Edit: that’s with only 87% of precincts reporting.