appetizers and dessert

Jessica Hollings's Avatar
Does it give you a different impression of a woman if she does order Appetizers and dessert when you take her out to eat ?
heavyraidersfan's Avatar
I guess it would depend on what she does, if she orders them and then offers to share with me, I would think she's trying to actually establish a connection among other things. If she orders and finishes them it means to me that she's comfortable with herself and me. If she orders, doesn't share and doesn't finish it would probably drop my opinion of her kinda making me think she was just out to get whatever she can with not much regard for me.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
sometimes it just depends on the menu. If I look over the menu and one of the appetizers really looks good, then why not order that as a meal and share it with my date.

I have a thing about anyone eating off my plate, that bugs me. But if you make the gesture of sharing by pushing a plate to the middle of the table, that is nice.
I would rather date a healthy women who has flaws, than someone who unnaturally starves herself to keep her a skinny mini.

At the same time I don't want to date a slob who doesn't care about herself.
SeV's Avatar
  • SeV
  • 02-15-2020, 08:02 AM
Hmm I guess this outlook never dawned on me, I’ve been out to eat with multiple gentleman. It’s a proven fact that restaurant servings are larger than most portions, I very rarely finish my plate, especially if we’re having breakfast. I’m shy at times, especially when it comes to eating in front of another person, because people are very critical of others. I was always taught you don’t stare at others, talk with your mouth open and wipe your lips often. I rarely order desert, even when I’m alone, because the sweets break out my skin. I’m still a young fox (24) but I definitely don’t want to be pimpled up like the teenage me.
I would rather date a healthy women who has flaws, than someone who unnaturally starves herself to keep her a skinny mini.

At the same time I don't want to date a slob who doesn't care about herself. Originally Posted by Fizley
LOL....a three course meal doesn’t have to be about overeating.
Twix's Avatar
  • Twix
  • 02-17-2020, 06:22 AM
Agreed Mr max limp yellow! Budget l����������������
If I take a girl out to eat, she can have anything on the menu.
There is nothing wrong with appetizers or desserts.

I expect the same BCD. I like my appetizer and desserts too.....
hotrix1's Avatar
Does it give you a different impression of a woman if she does order Appetizers and dessert when you take her out to eat ? Originally Posted by Jessica Hollings
Nope, so long as I get my appetizers and dessert after I eat her out.
If a man is clocking what I order then he ain't the man for me
hotrix1's Avatar
Sienna, I'd stuff your canoli with twice the normal cream filling.
Lol anytime ����