2 pop AMP suggestions?

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What AMP provider is 2 pop friendly and what is a fair 2 pop tip?

2L1 seems like an acceptable shorthand (no double meaning for shorthand).
2x L1 = HE x2
Mathematically and anatomically correct sir
What AMP provider is 2 pop friendly and what is a fair 2 pop tip?

2L1 seems like an acceptable shorthand (no double meaning for shorthand). Originally Posted by CrankShaft
Lily at Fab, Ping at Pings (2L2), Linda, Sunflower on 410 Michelle and Aiwa, Sunflower Spa on Perrin Beitel Anna, tip 60-80 depending of happiness factor.
May at Royal and Katie at W. PM for the second go around.
Linda, not AMP. Independent LMT. I pay $ for a one-hour session.