Hello friends!
After being CBJ for years I have finally decided to go back to doing EDIT-STAFF.
I know what you are thinking.. ¨But Christina! You were SO adamant about your policy. What's changed?
Well, I'm glad you asked! One major thing has and that is that I lost some weight… about 150 lbs to be exact… yup I got divorced. As many of my friends know this happened back in 2017.
Looking back now I have some pretty humorous stories about the whole thing but long story short, he was oppressive, judgmental and just flat out mean. Even after he left I continued to hobby the way HE allowed me to hobby because, well… we all have our comfort zones right? Sometimes you just keep going because that is all you know so that's what I did.
I retired back in September of 2018 and only returned a little over a month ago. I like to explain the time off as hitting the reset button. I came back feeling like ME! And I get to figure out how to do things how I want which is so very liberating and I love being in the adult entertainment industry more than I ever have.
While it is true there are still risks to doing anything uncovered I wanted yalls thoughts on CBJ vs BBBJ.