I saw that one for the first time yesterday myself. From her ad I would have to assume that you will get massage only but you never know until you get your feet wet. Just go take one for the team.
Imagine that, a therapist that only does legit massage. Not all ads belong on sites like this one. Don’t go asking her for a HJ, she’ll call LE according to her ad.
Seems your hobbying could be considered a consulting business. You may want to run in by your tax guy.....remind him of the gray area push the envelope just a bit.....we could all pay you a buck a year for your consulting services....tax law doesn't say you have to be a good business man so you have some losses
Got to give her some credit. She laid it out pretty clear. I will say that if you see someone enough times they eventually let there guard down if you have a fun personality and 6 pack abs. I've had a lot of success in the past with normal therapists but it always depends chemistry. Positive vibe and attitude can take you places.
IMO, she’s down for P4P, her terms, her decision based on her perception of you, be prepared to donate more than amps and don’t ask stupid rookie questions. Sugar land area.