Does this site serve a purpose in the new era

I’m not thinking this site provides any real information on escorts.

Praising 300 dollar an hour hookers in their forty’s. Fucking trolls like Starr from Listcrawer.

Half of the girls have issues or live in the swamps of the burg.

The site has become so watered down and uninviting with little purpose.

I get it laws have closed in on how things are handled but at the same time when the information is limited its not worth the effort to look at.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Use another site then.
In over two years of being here, you’ve offered nothing I’m the way of a review... so basically your upset no one gives you good intel while you offer nothing.... bye Felicia......
Yeah I’ve had plenty of good intel on here over the years. This site is doing just fine ��
bambino's Avatar
I’m not thinking this site provides any real information on escorts.

Praising 300 dollar an hour hookers in their forty’s. Fucking trolls like Starr from Listcrawer.

Half of the girls have issues or live in the swamps of the burg.

The site has become so watered down and uninviting with little purpose.

I get it laws have closed in on how things are handled but at the same time when the information is limited its not worth the effort to look at. Originally Posted by Ballsindeep
Here’s an idea, leave the site.
Hematoma's Avatar
There is no better site in Pgh than ECCIE for honest reviews, intel and hofo for the hobbyist. Here’s a novel idea...quit whining and pay for a premium membership to access reviews, etc. No surprise that mongers aren’t jumping at the chance to offer up the “Glengarry Leads” of hofo to you, as you haven’t contributed jack shit here.
obnoxiousram's Avatar
Bring something to the table worth bringing to the table.
  • SD78
  • 02-27-2020, 12:36 AM
There is no better site in Pgh than ECCIE for honest reviews, intel and hofo for the hobbyist. Here’s a novel idea...quit whining and pay for a premium membership to access reviews, etc. No surprise that mongers aren’t jumping at the chance to offer up the “Glengarry Leads” of hofo to you, as you haven’t contributed jack shit here. Originally Posted by Hematoma
You don't even have to pay for premium to get decent intel. There is plenty of info just from the description and the comments in the thread most of the time to make a reasonably informed decision.
  • SD78
  • 02-27-2020, 12:40 AM
Ballsindeep, Serious question here. What are specifically are you looking to get out of a hofo board that your not getting here?
There's useful information on this site. Just watch out for the white knights that like to run and tell on you.
snoopy75's Avatar
Seriously, dude? Where else do you get information? This place isn't perfect, but it's about the best you're gonna get in terms of information. Take the information, make an educated decision, and make the best of things. As always, YMMV.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Things will change again. They are just trying to keep the site up and running until that happens. And then it might change again after that.

The reviews here have always covered a wide range of providers from other sites because not many providers have really used this as an advertising venue for years. Shutting down the ad forum didn’t make much of a difference for providers. (Only speaking about Pittsburgh)

If someone had a good time with a provider and leaves a good review why is it immediately suspect because it’s not a provider you yourself deem worthy?
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
There's useful information on this site. Just watch out for the white knights that like to run and tell on you. Originally Posted by Sickman68
Genuinely curious, is the common understanding that providers can’t see the reviews/comments?

Or do you mean guys room stuff?

Guys room stuff should stay in the Guys Room. I know those that leak it think they are helping the provider, but it truly doesn’t.
  • SD78
  • 02-28-2020, 05:43 PM
Genuinely curious, is the common understanding that providers can’t see the reviews/comments?

Or do you mean guys room stuff?

Guys room stuff should stay in the Guys Room. I know those that leak it think they are helping the provider, but it truly doesn’t. Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
Seems clear to me that crafty providers see everything that's on here, that said there are without question WK's that run to providers.
obnoxiousram's Avatar
The last time I was foolish enough to be the white knight, I still got chewed for it. I at least learned it was better to be Boston's Black Knight.