My my how things have changed

drinkindreamin's Avatar
Several years ago I’d wake up, having eccie and a cup of coffee, Trying to decide
Who’s fine self I might meet next? Looking back I’m amazed at the people I’ve met and oh the experiences. Now days I might look every 2 weeks looking to see who got lost in the ark la Tex. As I look for familiar handles, they all seem to slowly fade out or just lurk. Hope yall are doing well even though I know your not. I miss our correspondences and smart ass remarks. I think we can agree it’s a new day for all of us.
I could not have said it better DD. For me it was the best hobby a man could have had (notice I used past tense). Great while it lasted.
Merle Haggard sings- ‘Are the good times�� really over �� for good?��’
Well ole Hag, I suppose the answer is ‘yes’.
This is a travesty.
DallasRain's Avatar
But just research reviews and wrte some gals you like and ask if they are available......and dont forget some of us travel there!
We are still lucky that we have Dallas and others that come see us and still have 10 or 12 good locals. I get all I can afford so I am happy. I do not do that many reviews anymore unless asked. With this new virus going around I am being really careful at present. Some ladies that see these guys that fly in and out I do not see as I just want to wait and make sure all is safe.
I just asked if the boards were dead to a friend/provider less than an hour ago. She gave me a little knowledge on what was going on. I do not check the boards like i did a few years ago either. It seems like the hobby is slipping away. Sad times, Sad times.