SA anyone,?

  • signa
  • 03-07-2020, 10:29 PM
pic looks like one of the strip club dressing rooms
travelnman0129's Avatar
Do you pay for an SA subscription and contact her?
Yes I pay for SA subscription.
travelnman0129's Avatar
Yes I pay for SA subscription. Originally Posted by fireman190
Ok, then why not just set up time with her and let SA be SA, not a hobby site. The providers on SA all advertise on other sites so they are easy to spot.

I have received multiple texts from SB on SA asking if I mentioned them on this board, obviously not pleased with being "outed".
I think it's poor form to "out" women from SA unless they are indeed full-out pros and/or give permission to do so. Those SBs who have careers or jobs and are simply looking to connect with just one or very few get spooked very easily by being written up here. Okay, maybe they are in the minority but still, please be respectful.
I haven't outed anyone jackass.
I havent had any response from her on SA. Sorry jackasses
Looks like some white knights getting upset.
I just think that you should not post SA girls contact info unless you have her permission. As for reviews, go for it, just leave out phone#, email info. If someone wants to see her they know shes on SA.
I didnt post anything but the link to the SA profile
I just think that you should not post SA girls contact info unless you have her permission. As for reviews, go for it, just leave out phone#, email info. If someone wants to see her they know shes on SA. Originally Posted by pghguy00

I wish it was that easy but unfortunately ECCIE rules state that contact info must accompany a review (I checked), even if they can be contacted through SA, so if the "baby" does not give her permission to post those details, I wouldn't do it.
No idea why a girl that is concerned about her being “outed” would post a plain as day public face pick. Naive
laserface's Avatar
At least on SA, you can't see any info about a girl at all unless you actually log in with an account. As far as phone numbers, remember that most of the girls on SA don't use a separate "hobby phone" or anything. I'm sure the last thing most of those girls want is for someone to Google their phone number and have it lead back to a review on here. Plus, most of them really don't want a "first contact" to be outside of the SA site anyway. They certainly aren't prepared for their phones to start blowing up based on a review. I'd imagine that most of them, if you try to make first contact by call or text, will first get pissed that someone posted their phone number, and then will just ignore you if they don't recognize your number, or tell you that you have the wrong number.
That’s exactly right laser. This isnt white knight shit, it’s just dumb to do. I mean How many times do we have to see a non pro leave SA because of info shared about them on the site?