Anyone have experience with secretbenefits, a seeking arrangements type site?

I was poking around online, looking for ways to meet women in pgh, and was going to type in the well known seekingarrangements website sooner or later. But in reading an article about Pittsburgh, a link took me to a site called instead.

I made up a fake account and started clicking through photos, my goal was to find 18-25 year old white girls for no strings attached.... things. Hand out some cash, get this or that, etc.

After half an hour or so, I narrowed the search parameters into several different categories and found a few I'd want to message. But then it gets weird for me. To message anyone, you have to buy credits, I'd be in for $59 at least on that, but even more concerning is there's not a paypal option, they want credit card info.

I don't want to give that out, what's the point of all this subtlety if my real name is on the card?!?!?!?

Can I use a prepaid debit card for things like this?

And is secretbenefits as good as seeking arrangements, or am I just wasting my time there?
SB is a poor stepchild to SA. In my view, a complete waste of time and money. A sizable number of fake profiles, and the few legitimate SBs who join don't stay long because I don't believe they see the "benefit" for them, either. I was so disgusted I raised a ruckus and they ended up not only refunding my money but gave me a bunch of free credits. But I haven't even come close to using those because there so few legitimate seekers there. However, bear in mind I go for a slightly more mature age than most, 30s-40s.
Yeah, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Go with the original SA, or nothing at all. I did save about 10 photos of some hot young big titted girls, they'll help for some jackoff sessions in the near future.

Best case scenario, I'd be spending nearly six bucks to send a frickin' message, and who knows if it'd even get answered or lead to anything. If they didn't force me to commit to at least a $59 purchase, then maybe I'd try, but that's asking a lot up front.

Anyone else have any SB ( experiences?

I actually called the SB customer support number, and was able to speak to someone who had English as a first language! I asked if I could use a prepaid card for the transaction, as I did not want this showing on my credit card statement. They said yes I could, but the card had to be enabled for overseas transactions, as they were based in Malta.

Shady? Shady!

I might still try, haven't decided yet. I should look at SA first before I make up my mind.
I tried SB. Seemed to get just enough responses to eat up the credits. Not worth it.
I am of the opinion that SB is a total rip off. If I just visit a profile on that site the chances are I will received a message. Nine out of ten times (I actually kept track of this) when I respond to the message that is supposed to be from the girl I get NO answer. I think the site owner generates messages as if they came from the girl.
SA on the other hand seems on the up and up
I am of the opinion that SB is a total rip off. If I just visit a profile on that site the chances are I will received a message. Nine out of ten times (I actually kept track of this) when I respond to the message that is supposed to be from the girl I get NO answer. I think the site owner generates messages as if they came from the girl. Originally Posted by Friartuck15601

I agree with this and I am not generally a conspiracy theorist. Ever since I complained a few weeks ago and got the "complimentary" credits, I have received very few initial contact messages. Prior to that I was getting them routinely, and I rarely bit due to my suspicions.
I created a blank profile about 2 years ago. No pics, just a few words to meet min requirements etc. I get hammered with views and messages...of course, I'm not paying $59 for 50 credits or whatever so that I can message 5 girls. I do log into it once a week just to see if there are any legit girls that I know are "pros", but 9 out of 10 are either fake or 'suspect' at best. Sometimes you'll see a girl there from SA, or she will be wearing Pittsburgh sports memorabilia or recognizable things in and around the area, but I'm not buying credits.

And SA is also offshore, so your prepaid card will need to be for overseas transactions too.