Did someone on here get catfished this Friday night?

So, I occasionally Uber on the weekends. Get a pickup at the Super 8 kinda near Robinson/Crafton. This very obviously a guy crossdresser gets into my car. Like sooooooo obviously a guy in a wig and tight dress. Probably 5 foot 8 but 220lbs. So you can imagine how he looked in this tight dress. The dropoff was way down Rte60 and 22/30 in the country. Heshe is talking to someone on the phone and mentions being on her period and they would have fun anyways. So I drop heshe off. Now I'm in the middle of nowhere and would of driven back past the hotel to head home. So I decided to wait 5 or so mins in the area and boom get a ping to pick heshe up again at the dude's address. He gave heshe the boot lol. Made money on my ride back. This is why I hate the travelling escorts. I wish I knew what the ad was so I could see the ridiculous photos this guy posted.
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Moved to Coed. dj8
  • Dlh
  • 03-09-2020, 10:35 PM
You made money? I bet you lost gas money and had a good cbj... the c being car!
But for real... yikes!
Yeah. I could of just driven back past the hotel to head home without a passenger but since he gave her the boot I made the same drive but with heshe and got $22 for the ride back