Our beloved Federal Reserve

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  • WTF
  • 03-10-2020, 06:53 AM

And who is responsible for this record level of debt in financial markets, and record level of debt in the real economy? That’s simple: the Federal Reserve and other central banks around the world that pumped trillions of dollars in freshly printed money into the financial system in the years following the 2008 financial crash to pull the global economy out of a deep recession. They did that by buying up government bonds, mortgage-backed securities and, in some places, common stock, in the process artificially propping up the prices of those assets even as they drove down interest rates. While this unprecedented “quantitative easing” probably saved the world from another Great Depression, the central banks never quite got around to sopping up all that money when the crisis had passed, as they originally promised. For to do so would have run the risk of angering investors and politicians by disrupting what became the longest bull market in recent memory.
Instead, they took the easy political course and allowed all that excess liquidity to be used by banks, hedge funds, private equity funds, companies and households to inflate a new round of financial and economic bubbles. And now that a real-world shock to the economy and the financial system has hit in the form of the novel coronavirus, what might have become a short but significant market downturn looks to be turning into a full-blown financial rout.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Down goes Trump! Down goes Trump!

And who is responsible for this record level of debt in financial markets, and record level of debt in the real economy? That’s simple: the Federal Reserve and other central banks around the world that pumped trillions of dollars in freshly printed money into the financial system in the years following the 2008 financial crash to pull the global economy out of a deep recession. They did that by buying up government bonds, mortgage-backed securities and, in some places, common stock, in the process artificially propping up the prices of those assets even as they drove down interest rates. While this unprecedented “quantitative easing” probably saved the world from another Great Depression, the central banks never quite got around to sopping up all that money when the crisis had passed, as they originally promised. For to do so would have run the risk of angering investors and politicians by disrupting what became the longest bull market in recent memory.
Instead, they took the easy political course and allowed all that excess liquidity to be used by banks, hedge funds, private equity funds, companies and households to inflate a new round of financial and economic bubbles. And now that a real-world shock to the economy and the financial system has hit in the form of the novel coronavirus, what might have become a short but significant market downturn looks to be turning into a full-blown financial rout. Originally Posted by WTF
Except the stock market is back up today and all that money the Fed has created has kept all those lazy and fat poor people content and voting for the people in power.

I tolerate it because I can't do shit about it anyway and I don't want to pay more taxes
Chung Tran's Avatar
well said.. and the Republicans who bitched when the stimulus occurred under Obama (to rescue the Bush economy, no less), are now silent when "their" guy reaps the asset-bubble rewards. Trump talked up the Stock Market constantly, begging for near-zero, if not negative interest rates. he understands a bubble environment works for him, Company profits haven't exactly exploded during his term.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Except the stock market is back up today Originally Posted by friendly fred
back up? really?

a bounce off the worst Market bloodbath yesterday, since the 2008 Recession, and you say the Market is up?

I guess the economic woes are over.. I'm going to have a beer.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2020, 01:38 PM
back up? really?

I guess the economic woes are over.. I'm going to have a beer. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
  • oeb11
  • 03-10-2020, 01:45 PM
have a perfect leftist joint One - for a beer and More!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2020, 03:11 PM
lustyladdie and The WackoKid are cheering on the Crony Capitalists' at the Fed while decrying Socialism.

Redhot1960's Avatar
Mostly interest and it ain't getting paid.
I got the gear and supplies, "Come and Take It"...

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2020, 04:03 PM
Mostly interest and it ain't getting paid.
I got the gear and supplies, "Come and Take It"...

Originally Posted by Redhot1960
So you think the Government will default....

That would settle the market!

well said.. and the Republicans who bitched when the stimulus occurred under Obama (to rescue the Bush economy, no less), are now silent when "their" guy reaps the asset-bubble rewards. Trump talked up the Stock Market constantly, begging for near-zero, if not negative interest rates. he understands a bubble environment works for him, Company profits haven't exactly exploded during his term. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Actually the Stimulus started under Bush, Obama just continued it.
Redhot1960's Avatar
So you think the Government will default....

That would settle the market! Originally Posted by WTF
You need to wake up, ftw and wax your own damn balls...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well said.. and the Republicans who bitched when the stimulus occurred under Obama (to rescue the Bush economy, no less), are now silent when "their" guy reaps the asset-bubble rewards. Trump talked up the Stock Market constantly, begging for near-zero, if not negative interest rates. he understands a bubble environment works for him, Company profits haven't exactly exploded during his term. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

rescue the Bush economy? who rescued the Obama economy? you are a strange bag of crazy cats. you claim the fed debt doesn't matter then rail like a loon that Trump is running up some huge debt. you sound more confused than Biden does.

lustyladdie and The WackoKid are cheering on the Crony Capitalists' at the Fed while decrying Socialism.

Originally Posted by WTF

the Fed is the problem you idiot. and Congress. how many times have i posted that? more than once and less than 23 trillion. get it?

and you still haven't proved Capitalism is the reason for the debt. you never will. the reason is the Fed which is a sellout of the country to a private cartel and Congress who continue to deficit spend over and over with the budgets they produce. show me one post you made during the 8 years Obama was president where you complained about the debt? i mean, you weren't banned for 8 straight years of Obama .. were you?
Redhot1960's Avatar
ftw will support this guy and his cause, I'm sure... s/

back up? really?

a bounce off the worst Market bloodbath yesterday, since the 2008 Recession, and you say the Market is up?

I guess the economic woes are over.. I'm going to have a beer. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Well we will see if the bounce lasts tomorrow as well but it recovered today and that is importante.

If you have been in it the last ten years you can take the inevitable correction.