Corona exposure

I would assume a lot of the girls have run down immune systems and would be very susceptible to getting the virus and passing on to us. Comments?
Medical speculation sounds like a great idea!!!
Missburger's Avatar
I would assume a lot of the girls have run down immune systems and would be very susceptible to getting the virus and passing on to us. Comments? Originally Posted by Boobman27
how bout use common sense,
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Not taking this seriously.
now sexism?

damn we have it all here, all the ism's

all the fobias

damaged people
Or, being directly exposed to more pathogens on a regular basis, the "girls" have developed more antibodies and are less susceptible to the virus...
washin hands and [STAFF edit - GM]

feelin good
buffalomw10's Avatar
Well just piss on me and tell me it's raining. Sounds like something the prez would say. Until I hear that from a virologist,fish ain't biting.
Trump doesn't even admit his own hair's fake, like we're going to take medical advice from a serial sociopath.
Trump doesn't even admit his own hair's fake, like we're going to take medical advice from a serial sociopath. Originally Posted by Nubom70
And yet you come to a hooker board for advice everyday!
Missburger's Avatar
Trump doesn't even admit his own hair's fake, like we're going to take medical advice from a serial sociopath. Originally Posted by Nubom70
nah its just a cold, the flu is worst we will use our army to fight it, we have the best army we will fight it,, ah orange man, so pathetic
Missburger's Avatar
And yet you come to a hooker board for advice everyday! Originally Posted by tbear4u77
i dont think hes getting advice on these forums especially not up here in this neck of the woods.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Trump doesn't even admit his own hair's fake, like we're going to take medical advice from a serial sociopath. Originally Posted by Nubom70
when the board commies come ...outsa the woodwork ya ...done know emperor trump ...dones hit a home ...fucking run
lilylivered's Avatar
washin hands and [STAFF edit - GM]

feelin good Originally Posted by JONBALLS
I guess talking about certain things is OK now?
Or only for certain people!!!!
Zollner's Avatar
Think Mods are on vacation.
Will have to wait and see what happens when they return.