Happy Maywin Socket Day

Next Best Thing's Avatar
I hope whores and male lesbians alike enjoy the final pre-apocalyptic version.

Hopefully everyone s getting together with large groups of friends and family, getting shitfaced, and breathing all over one another.

Enjoy everyone.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
My daughter is stopping by with her bitchy mother so we can Irish it up all day. I hope she doesn't bring any of her friends. I can get a little obnoxious after a half a bottle of Redbreast 15. I'm so excited.
  • JDogg
  • 03-17-2020, 10:42 AM
You may need the Red Breast 21.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Don't have any in the house and of course because of the manufactured terror I'm too afraid to go to the liquor store until the media is satisfied and this all blows over.
lilylivered's Avatar
about mid May, Im guessing
Missburger's Avatar
im in my bunker getting used to it

netflix is good
Next Best Thing's Avatar
What a wonderful day.

My little daughter spent the day, I gave her a primer on the 1981 hunger strikers and general Irish republicanism, and we sang Irish rebel songs for an hour or so while I became increasingly intoxicated. I am very proud that my child is able to capably sing the lyrics to many of the classics, she sounds like an angel belting out Fields of Athenry and especially Joe McDonnell and The Ballad of Alan Ryan even though Alan was kind of a scumbag as I dutifully explained.

There are no prouder young people than the Irish, they are utterly unapologetic of their ancient heritage.

Although I was born in the United States I maintain dual citizenship and consider myself almost equally Irish. If you don't like this GFY.

My daughter is a true inion na h'Eireann. Again, if you don't like this GFY.
Plastic Man's Avatar
how ...soon tills yer banned again?
alphonse1948's Avatar
NBT,did ye happen to mention how the fine clergy celebrated SPD with the orphans?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
NBT,did ye happen to mention how the fine clergy celebrated SPD with the orphans? Originally Posted by alphonse1948
No. I mentioned what I said I mentioned.

I hope you all had a wonderful Maywin Socket Day, even the demented perverts among you.

Is brea liom tu go leir.
rooster's Avatar
...and The Ballad of Alan Ryan .... Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
That's a good song! I like his books too! Specially "Atlas Shrugged"

Is brea liom tu go leir. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
You only tell me that after you drink all of the Red Breast...
