It’s over. Biden is the presumptive nominee.

Jaxson66's Avatar
Former vice president Joe Biden did not just beat Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in Florida and Illinois; he obliterated him by margins rarely seen in a presidential primary (because the loser inevitably gets out before he is humiliated week after week).

In Florida, Biden leads by an astounding margin of approximately 62 percent to 23 percent, with more than 90 percent of the vote reporting. In pre-election polling (conducted in lieu of exit polling), Biden won whites by a margin of 66 percent to 23 percent and by a stunning 75 to 18 percent among African Americans. As he has in previous contests, Biden won women by an overwhelming margin (66 percent to 25 percent).

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, turnout in Florida increased from 1.7 million voters in the 2016 primary to an estimated 1.85 million. Voters’ level of determination and enthusiasm to turn out for Biden should terrify Republicans.

Thankfully the end is near for that fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office.
Did you bold the typeface so Joe have a easier time reading your post?

The DNC will try to pull some shenanigans at the convention.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Trump may be dead by US Election Day. Maybe his family will perish as well, if yous are lucky McConnells will succumb.

Trump may have the Russians, but it looks like the oppositions has Mother Nature on theirs sides.

Mother Nature is pissed at these evil fuckers. And the prayers of the vile TV preachers will fan the flames.

Wash your hands, dummies.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Trump may be dead by US Election Day. Maybe his family will perish as well, if yous are lucky McConnells will succumb.

Trump may have the Russians, but it looks like the oppositions has Mother Nature on theirs sides.

Mother Nature is pissed at these evil fuckers. And the prayers of the vile TV preachers will fan the flames.

Wash your hands, dummies. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

ur a sicko...

fuck you!!!

of all the wicked people that's out there, Princess Nancy Pissloosi should succumb to the virus.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Former vice president Joe Biden did not just beat Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in Florida and Illinois; he obliterated him by margins rarely seen in a presidential primary (because the loser inevitably gets out before he is humiliated week after week).

In Florida, Biden leads by an astounding margin of approximately 62 percent to 23 percent, with more than 90 percent of the vote reporting. In pre-election polling (conducted in lieu of exit polling), Biden won whites by a margin of 66 percent to 23 percent and by a stunning 75 to 18 percent among African Americans. As he has in previous contests, Biden won women by an overwhelming margin (66 percent to 25 percent).

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, turnout in Florida increased from 1.7 million voters in the 2016 primary to an estimated 1.85 million. Voters’ level of determination and enthusiasm to turn out for Biden should terrify Republicans.

Thankfully the end is near for that fat lying bastard squatting in the Oval Office. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

if yous say so
I see you failed to mention this JA666...

While you might have thought the Wuhan coronavirus would have caused some to stay home, there was still a great turnout of the GOP. Trump got more votes than either of the two main Democratic candidates, according to Florida
From the article:

Compare that to former Vice President Joe Biden, who easily won the Florida Democratic primary over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. With the same percentage of the vote tabulated, Biden was just over 1.07 million, ABOUT 100,000 LESS VOTES THEN TRUMP..
Moreover, Trump had more than 1.16 million votes cast in the essentially noncompetitive primary.
“Nobody motivates our base more than President Trump, as evidenced by the historic turnout we’ve seen in state after state this primary season,” said Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel. “Fueled by both our longtime supporters and the thousands of new voters that continue to join our movement, we are united and enthusiasm is on our side. We have the strongest record of success, an unparalleled grassroots infrastructure, and are thrilled to have President Trump as our Party’s presumptive nominee once again.”
That should bode well for the general election.

Your Senile Quid Pro Quo Joe Will be a gaffe machine in ALL the debates.
He has more baggage then 10 women on an around the world tour!!
He will be a repeat of Adm. Stockdale...where am I...who am I

The Presidential debates are going to be some funny shit for YOUR boy!!
Trump is going to tear HIS ASS UP.

You think sometime during the debates he might threaten to KICK Trumps ass like he did that auto worker?

HedonistForever's Avatar
I expect Biden will ask for a push up contest within the first 10 minutes and call Trump a "lying dog face pony soldier" within 15 minutes.
Biden did. When he lost his way to the bathroom this morning.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Tulsi Gabbard ends 2020 campaign and endorses Joe Biden

Biden’s coalition grows daily while the fat lying bastard destroys the Republican Party, the greatest defeat of all time is on the way for trump and the racist pig fuckers known as the freedom caucus.
It's a anybody butt twit head year. America cannot be that stupid...again
Jaxson66's Avatar
I expect Biden will ask for a push up contest within the first 10 minutes and call Trump a "lying dog face pony soldier" within 15 minutes. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
trump is a liar, he lied today about the availability of PPE for health care workers and the healthcare industry won’t forget come Nov.
Twit head has lied so much. Only really ignorant racist redneck supporters believe him
HoeHummer's Avatar
I see you failed to mention this JA666...

While you might have thought the Wuhan coronavirus would have caused some to stay home, there was still a great turnout of the GOP. Trump got more votes than either of the two main Democratic candidates, according to Florida
From the article:

Compare that to former Vice President Joe Biden, who easily won the Florida Democratic primary over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. With the same percentage of the vote tabulated, Biden was just over 1.07 million, ABOUT 100,000 LESS VOTES THEN TRUMP..
Moreover, Trump had more than 1.16 million votes cast in the essentially noncompetitive primary.
“Nobody motivates our base more than President Trump, as evidenced by the historic turnout we’ve seen in state after state this primary season,” said Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel. “Fueled by both our longtime supporters and the thousands of new voters that continue to join our movement, we are united and enthusiasm is on our side. We have the strongest record of success, an unparalleled grassroots infrastructure, and are thrilled to have President Trump as our Party’s presumptive nominee once again.”
That should bode well for the general election.

Your Senile Quid Pro Quo Joe Will be a gaffe machine in ALL the debates.
He has more baggage then 10 women on an around the world tour!!
He will be a repeat of Adm. Stockdale...where am I...who am I

The Presidential debates are going to be some funny shit for YOUR boy!!
Trump is going to tear HIS ASS UP.

You think sometime during the debates he might threaten to KICK Trumps ass like he did that auto worker?

Originally Posted by bb1961

Another’s dimbulb.

Can someone elected in your country based on Primary votes?

I hear Melania tested positive... for chlamydia
Twit head has lied so much. Only really ignorant racist redneck supporters believe him Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Yeah only the recently converted really ignorant racist redneck supporters(Cuomo, Omar, Bash, etc.) are jumping on the Trump train and saying he's doing a good job combating the Wuhan Virus.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yeah only the recently converted really ignorant racist redneck supporters(Cuomo, Omar, Bash, etc.) are jumping on the Trump train and saying he's doing a good job combating the Wuhan Virus. Originally Posted by eccielover
Another dumbs comment. Guess the presence of all of the Pittsburgers means there is no “work from homes” program for coal miners and sanitation’s workers.

LOLLING the Shitholians!!!