Please visit Albany Hudson Valley

kayleemarie's Avatar
Truth has been told and I am ready to go tooth and nail.
Missburger's Avatar
im ready too
lilylivered's Avatar
Yep she got banned : (
Missburger's Avatar
Yep she got banned : ( Originally Posted by lilylivered
explain lol i dont know her
Missburger's Avatar
oh i see now damn thats fun, love it

good stuff
Yep she got banned : ( Originally Posted by lilylivered
Went out swinging....
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Tough ban.
Missburger's Avatar
miss the days of the women get into it, we got nothing left up here shame

miss sage she was fun

i agree tough ban, she had some good points with pictures
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I feel like she was banned preemptively.

It was coming for sure, but she never got an opportunity to fire off any real haymakers.
Missburger's Avatar
I feel like she was banned preemptively.

It was coming for sure, but she never got an opportunity to fire off any real haymakers. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
she was about to
lilylivered's Avatar
DD closed it and he faded into the sunset...
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Bullshit, anticipatory ban.