Pelosi owning the stock market

Her bill will take care of the working people and maybe bell out trump so he won't have to go bankrupt again. No corporate greed in her bill
Jacuzzme's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 03-24-2020, 03:57 PM
Pelosi's stimulus bill is loaded with riders for the political gain of the far Leftists.

1400 pages of Soylent green New Deal, support for illegals, and costs of trillions in DPST special interests to the American citizens.

Read it - Fascist DPST. Bernie and AOC approve. best reason to block the riders.

Hope McConnell blocks all the nonsense the DPST's are hoping to take advantage of this "crisis"!
Stock market say what??? You know twit head will try to take credit for the Pelosi bill giving the market a record setting best ever gain lol. His ignorant racist rednkrs will believe his lies again. Putin will be pissed at his orange ignorant appointee though
  • oeb11
  • 03-24-2020, 04:27 PM
Thank you - Ts - for more Fascist DPST nonsense!
You got one self-descriptive word correct - "Ignorant"!
Nancy will not allow trump or his swamp appointee to be in charge of corporate bailouts. She knows trump needs millions to be the billionaire he claims to be. Mucho bail outs or more bankrupt for the idiot in chief
Stock market say what??? You know twit head will try to take credit for the Pelosi bill giving the market a record setting best ever gain lol. His ignorant racist rednkrs will believe his lies again. Putin will be pissed at his orange ignorant appointee though Originally Posted by Tsmokies
The really ignorant part of that rant is that there are any twit heads giving Pelosi any credit for anything. Most every story regarding the rally discusses that the Senate plan is nearing agreement. Pelosi's plan is not even being negotiated at this point. Even Pelosi acknowledged this morning that the two sides were getting closer.

In the end the "Pelosi plan" is going to be recycled into the much needed toilet paper that it should be.
So...pelosi owns the Senate too
Hotrod511's Avatar
Turdsmoker having one of his ignorant redneck rants again? he needs a new Obama phone!
Turdsmoker having one of his ignorant redneck rants again? he needs a new Obama phone! Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Yeah that was a provision of Pelosi's bill.

The NRCC went on to accuse Pelosi of cramming the bill "full of unrelated liberal goodies, including a return of the 'Obamaphone.'" Pelosi, the NRCC pointed out, wants $1 billion "to build on program expanded by President Obama that provides discounted phone service for low-income consumers."
I'm just fuckn w the ignorant red heads on here. I have more free time. It's amusing to see the defenses of the ignorant no life's on here
Hotrod511's Avatar
Yeah that was a provision of Pelosi's bill. Originally Posted by eccielover
I read the list I knew it was on there, the one that got my attention the most was a bail out for the post office, really a bail out for the post office? isn't it run by the government!
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Her bill will take care of the working people and maybe bell out trump so he won't have to go bankrupt again. No corporate greed in her bill Originally Posted by Tsmokies
It was the Moscow Mitch Bill until Nancy and the Dems stepped in and said..”nope”

Virtually all of the bill was the same old Reich wing top down bullshit written by chinless Moscow Mitch's corporate and lobbyists buddies.. trickle down to pay off the top 1 % and the fat cats in the Corp world.

Now the imbalance has been fixed and the vast majority of the $$ will go to support the workers in the front lines, people in need who will get 4 mths pay to help the ones that will be unemployed.
And includes direct payments to folks
Payments to state and local authorities to aid in fighting this pandemic..keeping hospitals financed and need equipment. $300:bn to small businesses and the so called $500 bn slush fund will have oversight by a committee.
I wouldn’t trust Trump and Mnuchin to run a Sunday bake never mind a $500 bn rescue package. They’d find a way to steal the cash.
I don’t want the crooked GOP to profit from it and the more you trash Pelosi, the more she regards it as a boost. She will just laugh in your stupid faces. So grow up.
That old orange bozo would pee his pants at the thought of tackling Nancy,,,he’s scared to death of her.
He can’t handle strong, smart women..and he knows it,
Pelosi is totally out of touch with the wishes of the American Voters.

This lame ass political stunt she has pulled is probably going to cost her Party more than that lame ass impeachment.
Nancy will not allow trump or his swamp appointee to be in charge of corporate bailouts. She knows trump needs millions to be the billionaire he claims to be. Mucho bail outs or more bankrupt for the idiot in chief Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Nancy doesn't know how to do anything but drink heavily.