Curiosity on Discovery Channel

Just finished watching the show "Curiosity" on Discovery Channel. Stephen Hawking basically questions "Did God create the Universe?" His conclusion - no - there was no creator, there is no heaven or afterlife. Because there was no cause of the Big Bang since there was no time or existence in the black hole that stored the energy causing the Big Bang - it was a spontaneous action. God was the personification of why the universe, and by extension, humans exists.

This supports what I have believed for the last few years, although Dr. Hawking put a scientific explanation to this belief. It's on again next Monday 8/15. If you want to watch and react.

What do you think? Would this explanation cause you to question your beliefs or strengthen your resolve?
dirty dog's Avatar
I think this is a topic which will lead to nothing but arguing and name calling. This is what I find so interesting about atheists, why do they all feel the necessity of proving there is no god, what are they going to gain if its true, how does the fact that someone has a private belief in something affect them. Is it the fact they they just want to be able to stick their tongue out and say "we were right nany nany poo poo". See it does not cost me anything to believe that their is a greater power, nothing, because in reality its just a guide that says be nice to your fellow man, if when I die I find out there wasnt heaven or hell well okay it did not cost me anythng to believe other than being nice to people, but if I dont believe and there is in fact a heaven and a punnishment for the life lived here on earth then I am in a world of hurt. The bottom line is this, Hawking does not no the truth anymore than I do, the fact that he is a known atheist does lead one to suspect some bias in his opinions, but again all he is taking about is theory, its called the big bang theory because it cannot be proven in fact. Neither can religion, at least not while living. So why dont you promise me that you wont try to convert me and I will promise I wont try and convert you, and we can all make that same promise because in this type of discussion just like say the abortion issue no minds are going to be changed only tempers raised.

Fritz nothing against you bro, but this will only bring the likes of Monger to the scene LOL.
Bartman1963's Avatar
DD well said. In the end, live and let live.

On the whole though, I wouldn't want to be an atheist. I flirted with the idea for a while after reading a couple of very interesting books, but on the whole, atheism leaves one feeling...lacking somehow.

Also, there are few people as roundly hated as atheists. Even Stephen Hawking, a man whose horrible disability might make anyone doubt God, has taken his dose of crap for it.

Not worth it.
I'm atheist/agnostic, but I'm beyond the point of seeing any benefit in asking questions that really can't be answered. How many of us have spent hours discussing these things in bong sessions or in freshman philosophy classes? And did any of us come out any the wiser?

In the beginning religion explained everything. As we learned more about the world through the tools of science religion was able to explain less and less. Now, for the most part it deals with things oustide the realm of science, like spirituality. The two can coexist just fine as long as science makes no claim regarding the spiritual and relgion doesn't make unsound claims regarding the physical world.
Uncle Dick's Avatar
because they have nobody to talk to when they reach orgasm.

- Author unknown
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Pascal, another really smart guy, was a life long atheist. A couple of years before he died he published his proof that God did exist. Geniuses on both sides.
dirty dog's Avatar
Pascal, another really smart guy, was a life long atheist. A couple of years before he died he published his proof that God did exist. Geniuses on both sides. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
He published his theory that god does not exist, because the existence of god has not be proven or disproven scientifically.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Do you really think we can solve the mystery of God on a SHMB? Ok, I am a Spiritualist. God is everywhere, and He/She likes you whether you believe or not. So be happy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This reminds me of a criticism of Family Guy when the dog (an atheist) is poopooing the existence of god. Now this dog is very smart, well read, and considers himself very astute. He betrayed himself (and the writer's mental block) when he stated that the Hubble telescope didn't see some bearded guy racing across the side in space. Some bearded guy. It reveals a very medieval way of thinking. That god has to be represented by a bearded guy or maybe Alanis Morrisette shows a very backward of looking at religion (can you say Islam?).

If I don't say the dog is named Brian then someone will say I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to an opinion???
I have yet to figure out the difference between this "big bang" thingy, where nothing existed beforehand, and creationism, where nothing existed beforehand.
dirty dog's Avatar
I have yet to figure out the difference between this "big bang" thingy, where nothing existed beforehand, and creationism, where nothing existed beforehand. Originally Posted by Kshunter
Personally, I think its the same incident viewed from two different positions with everyone believing that the two view points are mutual exvlusive.
simplyme's Avatar
Just finished watching the show "Curiosity".... ..... "Stephen Hawking claimed" there is no heaven or afterlife. Originally Posted by fritz3552
The same Stephen Hawking who, "for twenty years or so swore up and down that nothing can escape from the event horizon of a black hole" and finally admitted he was wrong.

Now spends 59 minutes and 30 seconds telling us there is no God. Then in the last 30 seconds tells us there is PROBABLY no heaven or after life.

The exact word he used was "PROBABLY".......... Which tells me that he doesn't know one way or another if there is a God.

I also noticed a few other illogical leaps in the program...

One is then leap that since quantum particle could and do pop in and out of existence therefore the whole universe could simply pop in and out of existence. If before the big bang there existed nothing then how could something pop out of nothing into nothing. It couldn't therefore there has to be something for it to pop in and out of.

I know we all call it the universe but what if there is more than one? Poly-verse I guess.

Watched that whole damn program for nothing....... :-(