Every one is saying there will be a baby boom in nine months.
How can this happen! How can this happen! If everyone remains six feet apart! LOL
I would imagine the theory is that since millennials have actually been having less sex than previous generations due to multiple jobs and porn, couples having more free time will end in a lot more sex.
They will known as the Children of the Quarn
I heard they were going to be known as 'Quaranteens' in about 13 years.
Or how about the opposite. I heard on the news this morning that couples are fighting from spending too much time together. Will there be a divorce boom over the next 9 months?
Or "make up" sex? Nah, not gonna happen for a lot of us.
I’m still chuckling over Quaranteens and Children of the Quarn.
Lol there's def going to be a lot of fucking AND fighting going on.
So....we'll be seeing a lot of Corona-vorces (divorces) and/or 'Rona babies within the next 9-10 months. I'm not married and use FC2's in addition to having an IUD so neither a divorce or a baby will be either of my problems lmfao.
All the young couples I know seem to be throwing their time away on social media. Who has time to procreate when you gotta update your Facebook status that often?