The crazy world of CNNs Jim Acosta

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Like a regular Forrest Gump, Jim Acosta has been treading the halls of power for decades putting out his brand of journalism.

1863: "Four score and seven years ago..."
Acosta: When you say all men are created equal, why do you leave out women? Does this include the Southern slaves? "A great Civil War?" Do you take responsibility for starting this war?

1933: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."
Acosta: So, are you saying that the depression is nothing get bothered about? What kind of fear are we talking about? Is this Green fear?

1941: "Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 the United States was deliberately attacked by the sea and naval forces of the Empire of Japan."
Acosta: Isn't it rather racist to blame the Japanese for a failed US foreign policy? Do you take responsibility for the lack of foresight by your party? Do you feel that you have blood on your hands?

1961: "The torch has been passed to a new generation...'
Acosta: You didn't specifically mention women or minorities, do they have a future in your party? Is this "torch" carbon neutral?

Acosta even went international over the years;

1938: "We have peace in our time."
Acosta: Why would Chancellor Hitler have any reason to trust England at this point? Do you include women in this peace? What about Africa?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Like a regular Forrest Gump, Jim Acosta has been treading the halls of power for decades putting out his brand of journalism.

1863: "Four score and seven years ago..."
Acosta: When you say all men are created equal, why do you leave out women? Does this include the Southern slaves? "A great Civil War?" Do you take responsibility for starting this war?

1933: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."
Acosta: So, are you saying that the depression is nothing get bothered about? What kind of fear are we talking about? Is this Green fear?

1941: "Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 the United States was deliberately attacked by the sea and naval forces of the Empire of Japan."
Acosta: Isn't it rather racist to blame the Japanese for a failed US foreign policy? Do you take responsibility for the lack of foresight by your party? Do you feel that you have blood on your hands?

1961: "The torch has been passed to a new generation...'
Acosta: You didn't specifically mention women or minorities, do they have a future in your party? Is this "torch" carbon neutral?

Acosta even went international over the years;

1938: "We have peace in our time."
Acosta: Why would Chancellor Hitler have any reason to trust England at this point? Do you include women in this peace? What about Africa? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

I'm TWK and i approve this post

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
eye see that there is no love for, ahem, acosta.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Abilio James Acosta (born April 17, 1971) is an American journalist and the chief White House correspondent for CNN. Previously, Acosta served as the national political correspondent for CNN.

What fantasy world do you live in? Oh, wait. You're becoming an actor. Fantasy is your stock and trade. It waaas slightly engaging though. I'll give you that.

I'm EU95 and I barely approve of this thread.
Chung Tran's Avatar
what's the point of making up quotes? if you don't like Acosta, there is plenty of real material you could use. all you did here is admit he gets under your skin.
Acosta is one of those reporters that will hear a story, or give an interview, then change enough of the words, take quotes out of context, or simply make shit up to fit the CNN narrative that the 2016 election should be overturned.

This Fox News writeup sums up his style.

By the way, Tran. My question would be why a dishonest piece of shit like Acosta DOESN’T get under your skin?
Chung Tran's Avatar
same way Hannity doesn't get under my skin. or Trump.. or Biden. Agendas are housed in almost all politicians and news commentators.
bambino's Avatar
Trump handles Acosta like this:

It’s entertaining
bambino's Avatar
Trump handles Acosta like this:

It’s entertaining
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Its called satire. Look it up.
its not just jim acosta who abridges statements, repeats out of context snippets in efforts to mislead, and otherwise enters a story with a fixed, pre-judged viewpoint unchangeable by any fact, and readily calls others that which is evident in themselves and renders evil intent to honest innocence

the media has plenty of these sorts

Acosta is a poster child of the phenomena but he is interchangeable with stelter or lemon and just about anyone on the morning joe show

fake news they are

recall, if you will, the edit on the trayvon martin/ george zimmerman phone call or the media snippet casting nick sandman as the sneering perpetrator
HoeHummer's Avatar
Links? Or does oebsy expects us to believe he wrote that?

Not that smart.
HoeHummer's Avatar
its not just jim acosta who abridges statements, repeats out of context snippets in efforts to mislead, and otherwise enters a story with a fixed, pre-judged viewpoint unchangeable by any fact, and readily calls others that which is evident in themselves

the media has plenty of these sorts

Acosta is a poster child of the phenomena but he is interchangeable with stelter or lemon and just about anyone on the morning joe show Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Unlike the buffoon they covers...
  • oeb11
  • 04-04-2020, 09:03 AM
NGIT- thoughtful as always. Thank You!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Trump handles Acosta like this:

It’s entertaining Originally Posted by bambino