Tried to go to the store

I have tried to go to the store with my pipe on and people could careless about social distances or safety. I have decided to do online shopping instead.
Family went to Walmart Supercenter
Sister in law goes to walmart and while in line the family which were not practicing safety were actually talking shit to the people that were. My sister in law said the people were arguing about ppe, she was nervous and had anxiety due to the experience.
I can understand why.

What has been your experience lately with the Ppe coverage and distance issues??
  • AgFox
  • 04-07-2020, 05:40 AM
Hit or miss around my neck of the woods. Mostly miss.
Which Wal-mart location? There in may lie the problem
Hot Summer's Avatar
I'm thankful to say everyone in my area is taking this very seriously and wearing masks plus I was at Walmart yesterday in the middle of the day and it was nice and quite everyone and kept there distance!
Hot Summer's Avatar
We even have toilet paper back on the shelves and I bought bleach to ! Whooooo....hooooo
I have been wearing it but still feel awkward cause I have had some people laugh at me because I have a mask on. Still not seeing a ton of social distancing but there are less people in the stores
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
I like wearing my face mask. I guess it kind of makes me feel “secure” and I’d rather be safe than sorry. I went to TJ’s last night and I noticed a ton of people wearing them. Also everyone seemed pretty calm and chill this week compared to how it was 2 weeks ago when everyone was losing their shits.
What I have seen is a lot of the customers wear them, but the common theme in the stores in my area is that their employees don’t. They come in contact with more people on a daily basis then the customers do.
What I have seen is a lot of the customers wear them, but the common theme in the stores in my area is that their employees don’t. They come in contact with more people on a daily basis then the customers do. Originally Posted by sas72032
Can’t say I blame them. I wore a face covering to Kroger this morning. 45 minutes in and out, and I ripped it off as soon as I hit the parking lot. It was hot, fogged up my glasses, and just not fun at all. Couldn’t imagine wearing it for 8-10 hours.
I agree. I sweat like crazy as is then to have a cover on. I wear it around my neck so that if I need to I can have it readily available.
I realized yesterday why I hate going to the store or anywhere. I had to sanitize after I got in the truck. Before I get out and then again. A routine so to speak. It keeps me safe but its a large hassle.
I did another of just picking up but it was still a chore. Safety is key but geez, its best to to stay indoors or just away.
I am setting up my gym so I can workout here. Just to complicated.
  • AgFox
  • 04-09-2020, 06:26 PM
There’s this stuff I found called “Cat Crap- not actual cat crap, just what it is called” that you put on your glasses that help with your glasses fogging up. But with the mask on my nose my glasses tend to fall off so now I also need to get a lanyard.
DallasRain's Avatar daughter works for doordash in Joplin area...she is being safety cautious off course ,but says shes making big bucks doin it.

I am so ready for this to be over & life get back to normal
Yes I deliver food in Denver not here.
I just signed up to deliver here.
Just hadn't been rushing..
Still playing and don't want to commit to driving just yet. Safety above all..
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
People have gotten WAY better with wearing some kind of PPE but not so much with keeping 6ft+ distance from others and NOT hanging out in large groups -_-.
Most grocery stores are still a mess as people are still hoard buying things like sanitizing products (bleach, ammonia, disinfecting wipes, lysol, hand sanitizer etc) or bottled water or tp or baby wipes etc.
I've had better luck in smaller stores (mom & pop stores, latin(o) grocers etc) for things like that. They aren't as ran though like big(ger) box stores.
I agree with its a mess