so re you in favor of mass testing? i haven't been paying much attention here lately but people screaming like ChungHamster TEST TEST! are wrong. waste of time.
we should never have done this big shutdown. it's a false hope that sets up more outbreaks later. the herd immunization works. the UK had the right idea expect all the so-called experts yelled about it. never mind Johnson actually had to be hospitalized, now he's immune, at least for a few years or so.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, herd immunity works, however for the new coronavirus between 50% and 75% of the population needs to be infected before you have it. We're nowhere close. The worst hit places are 15%. There's testing in one village in Germany to justify that percentage. And a very recent paper from Imperial College estimated 15% in Italy and 9% in Spain have had it, with a high uncertainty interval. Most of Europe is in single digits. Half of the tests done in Iceland were done randomly, and they showed less than 1% infected. Bill Gates was on CNBC this morning and said he figured less than 10 million in the USA or 3% would be infected.
In other words, herd immunity from this is looking like a pipe dream. We'd have to go through something worse than Spain or Italy to get there. You may be right that balancing human life and the economy we'd be better off doing it your way; however, it's an academic argument as the [pansy ass?] American people wouldn't stand for it. Probably what will happen is we'll continue to have some social distancing, although hopefully without shutting a lot of the economy down like now, until there's a vaccine.