One last time to make an ethnic slur, boys. Warren endorses Bidens

HoeHummer's Avatar
Poor Trump. They’re ALL ganging up on him. The opposition is moving into position to depose the despot once and ford all.

At least yous can have this thread to makes First Nations ethnic slurs.

Have at it boys. It is your won’t, eh?
Poor Trump. They’re ALL ganging up on him. The opposition is moving into position to depose the despot once and ford all.

At least yous can have this thread to makes First Nations ethnic slurs.

Have at it boys. It is your won’t, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Warren was always a day late and a wampum short in acting.
At least Warren scalped Mayor Bloomberg...
Hey, if Warren wants to throw her political capital away on Quid Pro Joe, let her. Another set back to the #MeToo movement.
  • oeb11
  • 04-15-2020, 08:38 AM
LSM is working hard to cover up Creepy Joe and his accusation of rape, not to mention all the other inappropriate behavior well documented with pic and videos.

and the Fascist DPST females are hypocritical as hell about it - One standard for Kavanaugh - guilt by accusation - and another for Creepy Joe - not guilty regardless.

The usual Fascist DPST Hypocrisy.
Oilrig's Avatar
She called out Mini Mike on his non disclosures with several woman and dropped it when he opened his wallet to DNC.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Did she do it with smoke signals?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Too silly to know that Warren is an ethnic slur.
She called out Mini Mike on his non disclosures with several woman and dropped it when he opened his wallet to DNC.

Originally Posted by Oilrig
Excellent graphic!
HoeHummer's Avatar
LSM is working hard to cover up Creepy Joe and his accusation of rape, not to mention all the other inappropriate behavior well documented with pic and videos.

and the Fascist DPST females are hypocritical as hell about it - One standard for Kavanaugh - guilt by accusation - and another for Creepy Joe - not guilty regardless.

The usual Fascist DPST Hypocrisy. Originally Posted by oeb11
The usual alt-white hypocrisy. Thanks for reminding us oebsy.
  • oeb11
  • 04-15-2020, 02:47 PM
Fascist DPST party made it clear they want mini-Mike's money (3m) - but nothing else of him.

Warren is hypocritically happy to tolerate his presence as long as he puts millions into a financially strapped DNC!
With candidates like Bernie, Warren, Biden, etc, - no wonder they are strapped for donors!!!
What happened to the hundreds of millions of $$ mini-Mike was supposed to donate to the DNC in order to defeat President Trump no matter who was the nominee? Bloomsy pulled out to accommodate "Quid Pro I Don't Know Joe." My bet is minimike has a huge case of buyer's remorse.
Little Monster's Avatar
Poor Trump. They’re ALL ganging up on him. The opposition is moving into position to depose the despot once and ford all.

At least yous can have this thread to makes First Nations ethnic slurs.

Have at it boys. It is your won’t, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Careful now, the last time I called these conservatards out for their racist name calling on Warren a certain mod got her panties in a wad and banned me.
Careful now, the last time I called these conservatards out for their racist name calling on Warren a certain mod got her panties in a wad and banned me. Originally Posted by Little Monster
You, HOE and all on the left are eaten up with identity politics...sad sad!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Careful now, the last time I called these conservatards out for their racist name calling on Warren a certain mod got her panties in a wad and banned me. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Gotta be careful these days, LM.