Encounter: Fine Time with

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She's awesome if you can find her.....
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Good old Ima Blank, where's she been?
Thank goodness I have PA so I can see the ROS!
lilylivered's Avatar
Little short on the ROS
Gman wont like that one bit...
Space Ace's Avatar
Maybe its a choose your own adventure review.
Everyone fills in a field & reposts it for another to continue.
Talk about Finding Nemo
C'mon guys, give the guy a break. He tried his best
i would go see her but after the review I felt a little empty about her
Dzaddy_D's Avatar
Aha! Yes!
The infamous "Envy Zeebull". She's French. Extremly hard to see these days. Some might even say she doesnt exist. Although i probably wouldnt have cip the fat friend as u did, still good review.

Only guys with Ultimate Premium access can actually see the review. If u just have regular premium all u will see is a dash after each section and a empty review.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I don't have premium. Although this page is empty, on all others I see everything except rots. Sometimes it's better not to see that anyway.
She do overnights?
Dzaddy_D's Avatar
She do overnights? Originally Posted by Rickybobby11111
Only if all the lights are off.
rooster's Avatar
none o' you boyz are gettin it...this is what you get when you hobby during social distancing...

lilylivered's Avatar
none o' you boyz are gettin it...this is what you get when you hobby during social distancing...

. Originally Posted by rooster
Kinda figured that when he didnt post anything later...

Still was fun posting...