Tryst Inquiry:Tayylor

Tryst have some know providers so I know not all profiles on there are fake. Seeing if anyone have intel on Tayylor:
I'm going to suggest she's a solid No lol. See link for her recent review in West Tx.
Thanks! Just curious, what was the reason for the no recommendation? Couldn’t read the ROS
No BJ, No Kissing, No DATY, No Touching/Sucking Tits, No after No after No. She basically said...We Fuck Only. Asked for 225/Hr, 150/Hhr, which isn't bad, but with all the No's....well you get the idea....GPS
Damn, might as well pay for a blow up doll.
Exactly. Out here in Midessa, we've been dealing with a LOT of BS like her. It's gotten absolutely horrible. Going to take a ride to Dallas this afternoon. Gotta have me some fun.
I’m sorry but when a girl give you the fuck you salute in her photos maybe stay away. I know this is not universal but damn I’ve seen a number that get bad reviews. Anyway I like to see a smiling and inviting face if I’m going to spend some time and money.
Whoa...your english comp is painful to read man.
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
I was itchy one night, and texted her. Everything was going fine, until I arrived at the hotel, texted her I was parked,then...…..

I texted her "Just btw, I'm low maintenance, your beautiful smile is all we need" (thinking - how some guys are so picky about attire, etc)

she responded "hold up what's that post supposed to mean"

I responded "Some guys are super picky about clothing, makeup, stuff like that. Just wanted to let you know I'm not fussy".

then - she <ghosted> me in the parking lot, drove home. I don't think my text was out of line at all, and I don't think I deserved being ghosted, but - whatever.