Why can I not find the "Providers" link anymore?

I used to be able to see the providers in the past but noticed I can not find them anymore. The only thing I can find is a link that takes me to adultseach.com

Did something change that I'm not aware of?

gman44's Avatar
During the past year we have gotten rid of all the ads and showcases

Is that what you're referring to?
tarz_an2003's Avatar
During the past year we have gotten rid of all the ads and showcases

Is that what you're referring to? Originally Posted by gman44
I think what the OP meant was, that they're unable to search for providers by using the search engine that apparently is no longer there. I literally was thinking the same thing myself just recently. There used to be a search engine or tool where you could refine your search parameters for providers, and refine your search as needed (i.e. Dallas providers with spinner bodies, blonde hair only etc). But for the life of me, I cannot seem to figure out where that search feature is since it's been a while since I was last logged on! lol
Yep, I've been killin my self looking for it too and am not able to find it. I used to use the website back in 2017 and they had it and stopped for a while. But just got active on it again and am not able to find it.
gman44's Avatar
There is a tool to use but you have to have premium access to use it