I probably found this to funny
I probably found this to funny
Methinks it is getting about time for the Cranium Doctor to make a house call!umm..... yes please.... is the Head Doctor available next week by chanceOriginally Posted by austin88998833
I know what you're ready for... We think alike!u still down south Giz? I miss uOriginally Posted by MrGiz
How about another joke. The rich guy in town found out he only had a month to live. Because he did not like any of his relatives he decided to take his money with him. He did not know who to trust so called the three clergy in town. He made appointments and went to see them and gave them each $1 million to put in his casket when he died. They all tried to talk him out of it. However he was adamant and so they reluctantly agreed. About a month after the funeral the Catholic priest was feeling guilty. Thinking that confession was good for the soul he caught up the Baptist preacher. He told him that he was feeling very guilty for keeping $75,000 out to feed the poor in the parish. The Baptist preacher said I kept out $250,000 for the building fund. Let’s go ask the Rabbi what he did. The rabbi responded gentlemen I’m shocked, I put in a check for the whole amount. Originally Posted by Rockydoclove it. clever rabbi