Blackbird's Guide for Newbies



If you're a newbie, please read my guide from beginning to end before venturing out. I don't have all the answers, but I believe my system is complete.

I don't consider myself to be an expert. But, what you're reading is the general strategy I use to be successful.

Be open-minded. Accept what is useful, and discard what you think is irrelevant. After this is only a guide.

Overall, I would say that my ventures have been more successful than not. I estimate that my success to failure ratio is approximately 4:1.

I'm guessing that my success rate is about 80%. I haven't really counted all of my failures, but they are few and far between.

I've been the victim of a robbery once. My definition of failure is my time is wasted.

Why I Wrote This

I decided to write this guide as a way to give back to the community.

What I've noticed is there are fragments of good advice. Most of the reviews I've read are short, sweet, and matter of fact.

The majority of hobbyists have to learn through trial and error.

I've created a system based on my collective experiences and lessons learned from others.

I define five phases and their subcategories, which form a circle.

1. Internal Evaluation
2. Research
3. Contact
4. Encounter
5. Review

The principles can be applied anywhere (from the Panhandle to a seedy Red Light District in Europe) and in all markets (escort, massage parlor, red-light district, brothel, strip club).

Think of my guide as an example given in a math textbook. Most people can solve a problem that is exactly like the example in the book. But, few can go beyond that and apply it to questions that will be on the exam.

You've mastered it when you can apply the principles to each different situation that comes up.

Top Gun School

During the Vietnam War, the US Navy noticed its kill ratio against North Vietnamese MiG pilots was abysmal. The kill ratio was 2.5:1 (2.5 MiGs downed to 1 US Navy fighter lost).

After implementing the Top Gun program, the kill ratio improved to 13:1.

Lately, I've noticed that our success to failure ratio in the hobby has declined significantly.

I do believe that we in the Panhandle are doing a great job overall.

Are we perfect? The answer is no.

Can we do things better? Yes, we can.

It will require:

- Newbies to ask questions and do research.
- Senior members to help out.
- Fair reporting by everyone.
- A change in mentality. We should think of our fellow hobbyists first over the girls.

If done correctly, it will become a system of "checks and balances."

Our success-to-failure ratio will increase.

Fair reviews will protect our members from providers who have unethical practices, poor communications, and unprofessionalism. It will also reward the girls who take care of us.

If we all do our part, how great could we make the Panhandle?

Phase 1 - Preparation


The hobby is like chess. It can be so simple that a child can play, but has levels of complexity rivaling a match between grandmasters.

The hobby isn't for the faint of heart and can be an emotional roller coaster. It has shown me the "highest of highs" and the "lowest of lows."

I must emphasize that the hobby is a part of life, but should never be your life. Sex is defined as a physiological need in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

A rule of thought is to compare the hobby to investing. One should never invest more than one can afford to lose.

Ask yourself, "what can I lose?"

In short, you could lose your dignity, health, job, relationships (marriage/children), and possibly your life.

Some people look to the hobby as a form of escapism. If you're looking to fill any voids in your life beyond physical gratification, tread carefully.

If you can't find peace and happiness from within, you won't find it in the hobby. Some people look to fill the void of a traumatic breakup or the lack of intimacy with the hobby. It can be done but requires maturity. The person must realize this is an illusion and only a temporary fix. It treats the symptoms of the problem, but doesn't correct or solve the cause.

If you are weak-willed, then you are going to be eaten alive.

The most important rule to follow is "Don't fall in love."


To get the most out of the hobby, I believe a person must be a gentleman. Notice I said gentleman, and not a pushover.

The golden rule in the Bible is to treat others as you would want to be treated.

Be polite, respectful and discrete.


Some people differ in opinion on when to take care of the donation.

My practice is to put the donation in an envelope. Upon arrival, I will slowly and deliberately put it where the provider can see it.

I will also give them the option to count it.

By doing things this way, you do set yourself up for a "cash n' dash" scenario. But, if you've picked a reputable provider, then this is pretty much a non-issue.

A gentleman would never have the lady ask, nor would he partake in a session and not pay.

Time Management:

Avoid being late at all costs. If you are running behind, let your provider know.

My philosophy is, "if you're not 15 minutes early, then you're late."

Respect the time limit. If you booked an hour, don't overstay your welcome. It's possible that your escort might have another appointment after you. You wouldn't want your appointment to start late, so don't be that guy.

When you make or have to cancel an appointment, give the escort as much advance notification as possible.

Never do a "no call, no show." It's incredibly rude and low-class.


Cleanliness is next to godliness.

- Practice good hygiene.
- Take a shower before or at the start of your appointment.
- Trim your finger and toenails.
- Don't brush your teeth within 30 minutes of the start of your appointment as small abrasions on your gums and mouth can increase the risk of STDs.

If you are going to shave around your genitals, do this the day before your appointment. Small nicks and cuts are frequent and increase the risk of STDs.

Gargle mouthwash before your appointment. Chew gum. Stay away from foods with intense flavors like garlic, onions, and fish.

Use the restroom at your location before going to your appointment for apparent reasons.


Bring at least two of your favorite brand condoms with you. Not having to go out for condoms is a huge time saver if your provider isn't prepared.

In Europe, I've seen some providers are incredibly nervous about tampered condoms. I've never experienced an issue with it in the US. But, for Europe, it's recommended to bring an unopened box of condoms, and let the provider open it.


There are many similarities in all cultures when dealing with "the world's oldest profession."

While the principles of my guide can be modified, remember the demographic in mind is the Florida Panhandle.

However, each demographic will have slight nuisances and variances—the most apparent being price.

In the Panhandle, the average price for a half-hour appointment is around $150, and an hour appointment will range between $200 to $300.

The most famous quote from Sun Tzu's Art of War is "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles…"

Let's begin with ourselves and ask the most critical question, which is why.

Why do you want to start? Why are you participating in the hobby?

There's no judgment and no need to validate your reasons for anyone but yourself. If you are honest with yourself, your journey will be more enjoyable and fruitful.

The next consideration is:

- Are you married or single?
- What are the repercussions if you are arrested?

If you are married or have a girlfriend, there are more things to consider.

- Will your partner know about your extra-curricular activities?
- If she finds out, what are the ramifications?[*]What are you looking for? Is it obtainable?
- What is your type? What do you consider attractive?
- What would disqualify you from seeing a provider?
- What are your expectations?
- What would you consider a success?
- What constitutes a failure or learning experience?
- How long do you want to do this?
- When do you plan to retire? And for what reasons?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

There are three categories (self-fulfillment, psychological, physical) and five levels in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Earlier, I asked you to look closely at yourself and your goals.

After re-examining your goals, see where they fall under the hierarchy of needs. Are your needs based on personal growth or meeting deficiency needs?

When you meet with providers, can you understand and internalize what the source of their motivation?


Positive Sum: This is a mutually-beneficial relationship.

You take care of the girl, and she takes care of you.

Not saying these relationships will be perfect, but overall the pros outweigh the cons.

We should also seek to have good relationships with our fellow hobbyists.

I don't believe that for me to win, someone else must lose. There's plenty of good times to go around for everyone.

Sometimes, I do find myself envious of the accomplishments and good luck of other hobbyists.

Still, when my fellow brothers do well, I am happy for them and celebrate their successes.

Negative Sum: This relationship benefits one party, but not the other.

You put time and resources into a girl, but the return on investment isn't worth it.

This outcome can happen when a hobbyist falls in love or is infatuated with a provider. The negative-sum relationship is more prone while chasing sugar babies or with dating in general.

The girl you are seeing is a bottomless money pit. Her problems and her need for your money will never end.

Men who tend to play the knight in shining armor or have the need to rescue a woman are prime targets for this confidence game.

Remember, it is not your obligation or responsibility to take care of her.

A common trend for this type of relationship is when kids are involved.

"I was fucking miserable, but I stayed for the kids."

Zero Sum: Some people are self-destructive. Their habits and choices are irrational and make little to no sense. In the end, they are their own worst enemies and hurt not only themselves but everyone around them.

Examples of a zero sum relationship in the hobby are when a provider continually ghosts clients or provide subpar service.

- They lose an opportunity to make money.
- The client loses time.
- Their reputation suffers, and they lose more business.


OPSEC stands for operational security. It is a risk management strategy initially used by the US Military. However, we can use its lessons for the hobby.

If a person is not discrete, they won't go very far in this business.

The hobby is a subtle game with severe consequences. Like superheroes and spies, all hobbyists should have a secret identity for obvious reasons.

- Create a separate identity.
- Never use your real name, phone number, or email address.

If you need to create a social media account for your secret identity, then use discretion. Be vary mindful of the photos you upload.

Back in the day, hobbyists would get a simple, prepaid phone or a "burner phone." There were no contracts and were replenished by buying prepaid cards with cash. If done correctly, it was virtually untraceable.

With technology today, there are burner apps available.

- Google Voice

Lastly, always remember "cash is king."

I do not agree with using apps like Paypal, Venmo, etc.

I believe it sets up too much risk for the hobbyist. A lot of these apps will show your name to the person you're sending the money to.

Also, prepaying seldom works out. The provider will forget about your generous donation in their time of need. They've already received your money and will look for a new supply.

Will they honor their promise to you? Maybe. But, it won't have their top priority when they can acquire a new source of income.

Positive Benefits from the Hobby

When I was in England, I used the hobby to supplement my dating.

I saw an escort once a week or every two weeks.

What I got out of the hobby was self-confidence, as I've seen a few stunning women.

These liaisons did two things for me:

1. I could be relaxed when I went on a date with a normal girl. I wouldn't seem needy or clingy.
2. When you're used to being in the company of gorgeous women, then you can talk to anyone without fear.

The string of rejection from an average to moderately good looking girl won't even phase you.

In other words, I gained a tremendous amount of self-confidence by making love to a multitude of women.

You realize that their good looks are an [/I]illusion[/I].

It's like the grass in the fields. It's here today and gone tomorrow.

Phase 2 - Research


I joined ECCIE on September 30, 2018. I didn't post my first review until February 18, 2019.

Why did I wait so long?

I had to adjust from the European game. I wasn't a novice but had to make adjustments to compensate for the differences in the US.

The stakes are much higher in the US, as it is frowned upon by educational, legal, political, religious, and social circles.


What I encourage new hobbyists to do is read up and become intimately familiar with the Panhandle and Alabama forums.

The best information isn't in plain sight on the forums. You're not going to be privy to that information unless you've proven yourself. Once you've established yourself, a lot of useful intelligence and opportunities will land in your lap.

Until then, focus on what information you do have access to (which is still a gold mine).

Think of yourself as a spy working for a three-letter agency.

The first thing a spy would do is try to identify the key players (both hobbyists and providers) in the region. Create mental dossiers on them, and then identify the established relationships.

I get the majority of my intelligence from reading reviews. I am happy to read any type of review, whether it's long, short, detailed, opinionated, biased, etc.

I analyze the original poster (OP) and the review.

Ask yourself the most important question.

Is this person a source that can be trusted?

Then, ask yourself why did the OP write the review?

- Does he care about the community as a whole?
- Did he post a review to renew his Premium Access credit?
- Does the OP have a hidden agenda?
- Does the OP participate in the forums and try to help fellow hobbyists and providers?
- What was the intent of the review? To inform? To tell a story? To convince? Or to brag?

After I guess the motive, then I look at the poster and his likes.

- How is the OP's character? Does he have any strengths and weaknesses?
- How would you rate his ego and maturity?
- What type of girl is he attracted?
- What type of services does he like?
- What areas does he participate in?
- Does he have any friends or enemies?
- Does he have a special girl that he would do anything for?

I conduct my research a little bit differently as I look at the big picture.

Remember, the devil is in the details.

If I'm interested in a provider, I'll read all the reviews I can of her.

A hunter should know even the most minute details about his prey.

Simple prey base their existence around the foraging for food and water, bedding, and breeding.

Of course, humans are a much more complicated species whose needs go beyond physiological ones.

I'm looking for similarities or patterns within the reviews written of her. A standard is what I call a "baseline". This outcome is what I expect based on the empirical data.

The following is what I'm looking for when I establish a baseline.

- Are her business practices professional? Or is it haphazard?
- What rules does she have?
- How clear and timely are her communications?
- How is her time management? Does she want to get you out as quickly as possible?
- How attentive was she? Was she distracted by her phone?
- Is she independent? Or does she have a handler or a pimp?
- How is her cleanliness? Does she smoke or have any bad habits?
- Does she have female friends that she can recommend you to or that she doubles with?
- What does she like and dislike sexually?
- Does she value you as a customer? Or is this a cash grab to her?

Then, I'll look at reviews which are outliers or variances. I'll look at the negative or neutral reviews.

I will ask myself, why was this experience different than the rest. I pay closer attention to variances with "your mileage may vary" -types. The question becomes why?

- Did she not have compatibility with her client?
- Was she in a hurry?
- Could the moon phase or the heavenly bodies influence her change in behavior?


Not all escorts are good. There are a lot of tricks to separate you from your hard-earned cash.

There are more scams than you can count, but these are some common examples.

- Requesting a deposit before the meeting.
- Cash and dash.
- Mugging. You get lured into an ambush.
- Overpromising (certain services) and underdelivering.
- Your time is up way too early.
- Lackluster performance to make you get disgusted, so you leave.
- Catfishing. Pics aren't accurate.

For "Cash and dash" - Here are the most likely scenarios you will face.

- Give me the money so I can pay for the hotel. You pay, and she's gone.
- While you are showering, she steals your money and valuables.
- You hand the money over, and she runs out of the room.

Time Wasters

It's not a scam, but if you decide to partake in the hobby, you'll probably experience this.

For escorting, you find a provider that strikes your fancy, you go through her screening, make a date, get ready (shower, shave, brush your teeth, make sure you are impeccably dressed), drive to the meeting point, and then communications go dark.

It's unprofessional and very annoying.

To reduce the risk of wasting your time, I can't emphasize enough that you see an escort with a good reputation.

When you encounter this behavior, post a short message about what happened. Doing so will ensure that we enforce a "system of checks and balances."

Your First Encounter

For your first outing, I would recommend you find a reliable girl in your city. You have a home-field advantage; use it.

You should know what areas are safe and which ones are sketchy. Stack the odds in your favor for your first session.

Look at the various sites like SkipTheGames, EroticMonkey, Tryst, and Eros. Find girls that you are attracted to, then search for their reviews on the Panhandle forum.

If you don't have any experience in the hobby, then play it safe.

I do not recommend taking one for the team (TOFTT) and visiting an unknown, unproven provider.

Remember, the police can make a thousand mistakes. You can only make one.

Save trying new talent until you gain more experience.

Using football as an analogy, run your offense like a backup quarterback or a game manager. Play it safe, smart, and conservative at first. Even safe plays can result in touchdowns. Just don't take unnecessary risks.

You don't have to win the game, just not lose it.

I state this is because I believe a hobbyist needs a couple of successful encounters to build confidence.

If you see a reliable, professional lady, you'll have an idea (or measuring stick) of what an excellent encounter is and should be.

Otherwise, you'll see a subpar or mediocre provider and may overhype an uneventful experience.

Ask the forums for a newbie-friendly provider that's reliable and meets your physical requirements, and start there.

A Lesson Learned

I learned an invaluable lesson four years ago.

I was in Dayton, Ohio, for business. I wasn't looking for a provider, but for a good time. I saw an ad and decided to contact a girl. She got back with me a couple of days later, and we made arrangements for a " date."

I called her on my burner phone. I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be a victim of a scam.

I could tell that she was an American girl in her twenties. She seemed calm and relaxed. Her demeanor over text was rather promiscuous. While she was talking to me over the phone, she was polite and reserved.

"Was she being shy?" I asked myself.

I wanted to get a response out of her.

I asked, "Do you have condoms?"

"Yes," she replied.

So, I decided to drive an hour to Hamilton, Ohio.

In a text, she said that I needed to give her $60 for party supplies.

At that moment, I had a bad feeling.

I countered, "I only have $40 with me. Is that enough?"

"Yes," she said.

While I was driving, she was blowing up my phone with texts.

In a text, she asked me to stop by and get me a pack of Marlboro Red 100s.

In other texts, she asked where I was.

She told me to meet her on a particular street and asked what time of vehicle I was driving.

I felt incredibly nervous now.

So, I follow her instructions and park in an empty parking lot. A couple of minutes later, a thin girl in her twenties walks to the passenger side of my car. I let her in, and we begin talking.

She told me to drive to a location about a mile away. It was a dive bar, the type I frequented when I was a college student.

"Okay, honey, I'm going to get the party supplies. Wait in the car. I'll be a couple of minutes," she said.

I suggested I go with her, and she said, "No, just keep the car running."

I gave her $40 and a pack of Marlboro cigarettes.

She never returned. I texted her but got no reply.

I wondered, did I get scammed? Or did she get in trouble?

After 30 minutes, I decided to look for her. I entered the dive and saw some unsavory types. The majority of people there were in their 20s and 30s.

I saw her sitting at the bar, smoking a cigarette.

She made eye contact with me and began to make out with a guy in the bar.

I lost. I walked out and made the hour drive of shame back to my hotel, empty-handed.

A few days later, I noticed a few posts stating that she had robbed them.

While I hadn't been looking for an escort, this particular girl ran confidence games and scams.

Phase 3 - Contact

Initial Contact

If you're going to see an independent escort, read their ad/website very carefully.

Most of their prerequisites are laid out.

They will tell you how to contact them.

- Phone call
- Text message
- Email
- A private message on the forum
- Website form

Sometimes, they will request references.

An excellent first impression goes a long way.

I can't emphasize the importance of grammatically correct English and manners (please, thank you).

Remember that clarity, education/intelligence, manners, and being respectfully are factored in an escort's screening process. It isn't always about money.

Keep your initial contact business-professional. If you are in an area where the hobby is illegal, never talk about anything explicit. It's an excellent way to get caught in a "sting."

To make things go smoother, I've added a generic template of what a first initial contact message should be like. (Simple, short and to the point)
Hi Jane,

I saw your ad on (blah blah site). I would like to make an appointment with you for an hour. I'm a member of the ECCIE forum, and my username is XXXX. Please let me know what your availability is.

Very Respectfully,


(This is a joke which members of the Armed Forces will understand. Remember in basic training/boot camp when you had to sing cadences while marching?

There were "Jody calls" about a guy named Jody, a civilian, who is fucking the soldiers' wives and girlfriends while they are gone.


If a provider has set a fair rate, then I don't recommend negotiating. I'm not saying it can't be done, but you have to wisely pick and choose your battles.

You can negotiate the rate with a woman, but it has to be done respectfully.

If the woman's rates are too high, simply thank her and say, it's a little more than I can afford. I will contact you at another time.

The ball is now in her court. She can decide if she's willing to negotiate.

If you are looking to make a multi-hour appointment, you may have more leverage. If your proposal is " fair" , then the higher the likelihood, the provider will accept your offer.


Each provider will have their own "screening" process. In a nutshell, screening is a weeding out process.

Here are a few reasons why an escort will screen.

- Safety
- Discrimination (some escorts don't see clients based on age, body type, race, etc.)
- To weed out time-wasters. (how well does the potential client follow directions?)

Here are ways that an escort will screen.

- Website/forum participation/reviews
- Meet & greet
- Government ID
- LinkedIn/Facebook Profile
- References from other providers
- Deposit

An escort wants to know you're not dangerous, and that she feels comfortable with you.

I've talked to several providers, and each one has different screening methods and criteria.

Some have asked for a private message from a forum or a link to my profile.

A couple of providers have asked to talk to me on the phone (hear my voice). One wanted to Facetime before the meeting.

As of yet, I haven't failed a screening.

I think that the ability to communicate intelligently and with proper grammar helps.

If the provider is reputable and isn't asking for something outrageous, then just comply with her screening requirements.

If she asks for something that you don't agree with, then pass for another provider.

Expectation Management

You have to tread this subject lightly.

When you are making the first contact with a provider, a lot of them don't want to be specific or graphic in their communications.

This matter of discretion is understandable. The girls don't want to be set up for an arrest.

Secondly, they don't want to waste time by providing a sexting or phone sex service without being paid.

I recommend doing a regular meet without any expectations at first. Be pleasantly surprised.

Once you've gotten your foot in the door, then ask if the provider is willing to entertain any specific requests.

A Lesson Learned

There was a traveling provider duo that would make occasional stops to the Panhandle. I had already passed their screening and had exchanged some texts.

Everything seemed like it would be a great time.

I sent an email asking to do a role play. I simply stated the reviews of mine that have had the most views were the rape fantasy role-plays. I inquired about doing a stepmother-stepdaughter role-play or any idea that suited their fancy.

I didn't expect the answer to my request.

I was told never to contact them again.

I've never publicly told this story before. My reasons aren't to call them out nor affect their business in any way, shape, or form as I've intentionally left their names out.

I still believe they are reputable providers that provide an excellent service.

I'm bringing this up so newbies can learn from my mistakes.

Arranging the Meet

A lot of this will depend on what type of venue the provider has.

Typically, you're going to see a variation of the two-call system.

It has two primary purposes.

1. It keeps you from getting to their location too early.
2. It gives them a way to manage time.

A provider will have you meet at a neutral location, that's like five minutes from her place.

The first call will let the provider know when you've left, and how much time to get ready.

She will have you text her when you get there.

The second call will let them know you've reached that destination.

If she's ready for you, she'll give you the address or room number. If she's not, she'll stall or ask for more time.

If they have any last-minute things they need to do like spray perfume, put on heels, or touch up makeup, this is their time to do it.

Pro Tip: Before you leave to meet the provider, secure a place to wait that's close to her location.

Once I left without securing it, thinking I'll get the address when I'm close. As I got close, the provider told me she needed an extra 45 minutes because she was running errands. I asked where I should wait for her.

Her response was Wal-Mart. If it was in a town that had only one Wal-Mart, that would've been an acceptable answer.

However, Pensacola has multiple Wal-Marts (I believe six), so I left disgusted. Plus, she didn't have the decency to let me know that she was running behind until after I drove an hour.

Phase 4 - Encounter


When I first started, I got nervous.

I had so many negative thoughts that would come into my head.

A lot of it was self-doubt.

- Am I going to perform well?
- Am I going to be ghosted, robbed, or set up for an ambush?
- Is this a police sting?

What I found out is the better I researched, the more comfortable I felt.

I plan out my liaisons, usually 24 hours in advance.

Besides this, I try to get an excellent rest the night before.

Before I set out for my appointment, I'll take care of all my grooming requirements.

I have a special playlist that I listen to on my drive to my appointment.

I use this playlist so I can relax and focus. It puts me in the "zone."


Take a shower before, and make sure you are well-groomed.

Be on time.

Introduce yourself. Compliment the lady.

If you are meeting where hobbying is illegal, place an unmarked envelope with the agreed donation amount in plain sight.

Once you've done this, let her take the lead.

Ask for her "rules" on what is permitted and what is not, and respect her boundaries.

Treat her with kindness and respect, and I promise you'll have a better time.

Have a great time, and lastly, leave on time. You don't want to overstay your welcome.

If you do all these things, you'll have the opportunity to revisit her.

Gaining References

From your first experience, you'll start building your reputation. I can't emphasize that your credibility in the hobby is essential.

Be fair and be kind to the girls in the business. It will go along way.

Here's just a reminder of things to do.

- Be on-time
- If you are going to be late or need to cancel, let her know as soon as possible.
- Be clean and well-groomed.

That's a good start.

If you treated her well during your visit, then she'll say that she'd like to see you again. Partly, this is business-related, as she'd like to continue generating income. If she doesn't like you at all, you won't receive an invitation to play again.

Find out if she's open to being reviewed. Most, but not all, are open to it, as it is free advertising. Some prefer to be anonymous and play in the shadows.

Here is also an excellent opportunity to find out if she has friends.

She can either:

- vouch for you to her friends.
- have her friend join her in a duo with you.

Some escorts will want to talk to your references as a part of their screening process.

Phase 5 - Review

Collecting Your Thoughts

After my appointment, I will drive to a safe location nearby where I can collect my thoughts.

Immediately, I'll write or type what happened, and any details that stood out.

It's best to do this now, rather than wait days later.

I will then ask myself a few questions.

- What could I have done better?
- What would I change about the encounter?
- What would I do differently? And why?
- Was there anything that previous reviews didn't cover that I would have liked to have known?

To be able to get the full usage out of ECCIE, you'll need Premium Access. There are two ways to get that. Either you can buy a subscription, or you can submit a qualified review.

For each qualified review you submit, you get six weeks of Premium Access for free. There are some stipulations like you can only get credit for a girl every 90 days.

When you write your first review, be yourself.

You don't have to emulate my style or anyone else's.

At a bare minimum, I think reviews should cover the 5 W's and 1 H.

- Who
- What
- Where
- When
- Why
- How

If you cover these aspects, then your review should be complete.

Mobile Template

I created a mobile template because I'm not always at a computer.

Sometimes, I have free time, and I can type my notes into an iPhone or iPad. I use an app called Microsoft One Note. I sync my notes between my multiple devices seamlessly.

When it is time for me to post my review, I can copy and paste my review and make minor adjustments like spacing.

Before you attempt to use the mobile template, use a private tag on ECCIE.

[private] Type your message [/private ]

I put an additional space between [/private and the ]

If you close that gap, the private tag will work for you.

The second thing is all encounters must start with ENCOUNTER: in the title.

Don't forget that, or your review won't make it on the mod's list of reviews to approve or disapprove.

Enclosed below is the standard ECCIE Template.

[B]User ID:[/ B]
[B]Date:[/ B]
[B]Name:[/ B]
[B]Phone:[/ B]
[B]Email Address:[/ B]
[B]URL (Profile or Bio Page):[ /B]
[B]City:[ /B]
[B]State:[ /B]
[B]Address:[ /B]
[B]Appointment Type:[ /B]
[B]Activities:[ /B]
[B]Duration of Encounter:[ /B]
[B]Hair Length and Color:[ /B]
[B]Age:[ /B]
[B]Smoking Status:[ /B]
[B]Ethnic Background:[ /B]
[B]Physical Description:[ /B]

[ros] This is where you put all the juicy details [ /ros]
[B]Recommendation:[ /B]

Once you understand how reviews work, you can add upon the standard ECCIE review.

This is the standard Blackbird Template.

[B][U]User ID:[/ B][ /U]
[B][U]Date:[/ B][ /U]
[B][U]Name:[/ B][ /U]
[B][U]Phone:[/ B][ /U]
[B][U]Email Address:[/ B][ /U]
[B][U]URL (Profile or Bio Page):[/ B][ /U]
[B][U]City:[/ B][ /U]
[B][U]State:[/ B][ /U]
[B][U]Address:[/ B][ /U]
[B][U]Appointment Type:[ /B][ /U]
[B][U]Activities:[ /B][ /U]
[B][U]Duration of Encounter:[ /B][ /U]
[B][U]Hair Length and Color:[ /B][ /U]
[B][U]Age:[ /B][ /U]
[B][U]Smoking Status:[ /B][ /U]
[B][U]Ethnic Background:[ /B][ /U]
[B][U]Physical Description:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Personality/Demeanor:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]The Rest of the Story:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF):[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Communication:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]TCB:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Condoms/Accessories:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Rates:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Rules:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Venue:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Details:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Compatibility:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Disclaimer:[ /B][ /U]

[B][U]Afterthoughts:[ /B][ /U]

[ /ros][B]Recommendation:[ /B]

A Standard of Excellence

I've had some providers tell me that they were intimidated to meet me.

Why? I'm a nice guy, I think.

At the moment of this writing, I've probably written 50 reviews. Out of those 50, I've only given three negative reviews.

If you look at percentages, I've only given a negative rating six percent of the time.

I try to research carefully. I don't want to give negative reviews, but I will preserve the integrity of the review system and maintain a checks and balances system.

I'm a firm believer that if you decide to do something, then give it your best.

If you want to write good reviews, it takes a lot of hard work and thought. I put a lot of time into my reviews. It's one thing to write one good review, but it is another thing to maintain a high level of consistency.

For the sake of argument, journalism is dead today. Real journalism requires the writer to state the facts without any spin and let the reader make up his or her opinion.

It's hard to do in a review format. I won't lie, I have added spin to my reviews.

Regardless, the level of detail that I put in is so the reader can get a good idea of how, what, where, why I did what I did. Understanding that, the reader can say if I were in that same position, maybe I would've done this or that.

There are a lot of hobbyists out there that know a lot. A lot of those hobbyists don't share their knowledge or help others. It's not my business to criticize them for how they hobby.

I foster a culture of mutual success. If I can help someone, I will.

The best part of ECCIE is what happens behind closed doors.

Boring Legal Stuff

I grant the reader a free source license for my material.

You can give it away to your friends. I only ask that you provide my entire work, and do not separate it.

You may reference my material on ECCIE without my permission if cited. For other forums, websites, magazines, etc., please contact me first.

I DO NOT permit someone to publish my works without my permission. This guide is my intellectual property.

With that said, I hope you enjoyed my work and find it useful.
techiedad36's Avatar
I hope this becomes a sticky in all forums.
Thanks for taking the time to write this up.
Precious_b's Avatar
Phase 1 read.
Will have to get back.

Pretty good so far.
Precious_b's Avatar
Mother Heffer! I only hit the backarrow key after a 504!

There are many different options when it comes to a pay for play arrangement. But, I'm going to list the venues available in the Panhandle.

Streetwalker - commonly known as a "hooker." She provides sex for money transactions.

A streetwalker may be an independent or could work for a "pimp."

There are several disadvantages to using a streetwalker.

- Lack of cleanliness
- Drug-use
- Could be trafficked
- Could be a trap set by police to arrest buyers for soliciting

My opinion is to avoid this option. The risk isn't worth the reward.

Sugar Baby - an amateur who provides "companionship for money."

Sugaring is legal in the US because of the intent. The intent is for companionship and not sex.

In my opinion, this option is high-risk, high-reward.

For someone starting, you're going to have to pay for a membership, which is a monthly subscription.'s basic package costs $89.95 per month.

The crowd is going to be a mixed bag.

Just remember the three types of relationships when you deal with this sort. (Positive-sum, negative-sum and zero-sum).

- Some girls will offer companionship and fun at a reasonable price.
- Others want you to pay outrageous amounts for their companionship.
- Some will want you to be their pay pig. You pay, but get no benefits.

The advantages are:

- You will get a cheaper rate than an escort.
- Somewhat improved menu, GFE, intimacy.
- option for bareback - if that's your thing.

There are some disadvantages to sugar babies.

- It will take time to screen these ladies.
- You risk being outed if you're married.
- The investment in time and resources may be more than you're willing to put in.

It will take time to sort through the scam artists and time wasters, but the good ones are worth it.

Dating Advice for Civilians and Sugar Babies

Remember that some girls are not motivated primarily by money. Some want the attention, the feel of being chased and desired, and the ability to manipulate a man.

Unfortunately, a lot of girls play games.

When you start your contact and begin negotiating, always remember to be a gentleman.

Do not lose your dignity nor sacrifice your integrity.

The girls will try to test your limitations and see how far they can push your boundaries.

Be firm, but fair.

If you notice a series of characteristics in a woman, then cut your losses and end the relationship.

- Dishonesty
- Narcissism
- Boundary Crosser
- Manipulative
- Plays the Victim Card

Be specifically mindful of foreign women from second or third-world countries.

They grew up under harsh conditions and are very street smart.

If they are beautiful, I guarantee they are capable of manipulating a man.

Here are their characteristics:

- A constant need for money, like a bottomless pit
- They move quickly in their relationships.
- They will proclaim that you are the love of their life.
- Have a busy schedule (because they are dating other men. Looking for the best offer.)
- Will want to move in with you. Or want to marry you after knowing you for a relatively short amount of time.
- Will try to use sex as a weapon to manipulate you.


There are two types of escorts, independent, and managed. Each has multiple subcategories.

For managed escorts, they fall under two affiliations.

Agency managed. Being managed by an agency isn't a bad thing, because the agency will handle the girl's business arrangements and communications.

Agencies can provide an escort:

- incall location
- transportation to and from a customer's location
- Safety (an escort calls to let the agency know she is safe and received payment during an outcall)
- free advertising (professional photographs, website)


There are so many levels of this.

The couple could be swingers, and the husband/boyfriend gets off on his girl having sex with other men.

The husband/boyfriend is okay with what the wife/girlfriend is doing because the income is lucrative.

Handler/Pimp - the worst-case scenario where the girl is possibly being forced, coerced, or trafficked.

Independent escort - works for herself.

This escort will either be part-time (under the radar / UTR) or full-time (high-visibility).

The High-Visibility Escort will post multiple ads on SkipTheGames and profiles on Eros, EroticMonkey, and Tryst. She may be a member of a forum like ECCIE to generate clientele.

The UTR is selective about the clients she entertains. You will usually need to be a member of a forum or be recommended by one of her clients to see her.

Massage Parlor

I've read and heard reports of getting more than the typical "happy ending" from this type of establishment.

Personally speaking, I've only been to an Asian Massage Parlor once (in Virginia Beach). I paid $40 and received a mediocre back rub. It was okay, but nothing to write home about.

I didn't get a happy ending, but my friend did.

I'm honestly not an expert on this type of arrangement.

Going to a massage parlor is a YMMV situation. Nothing is guaranteed. If you're a regular, then perhaps more will be offered. Or perhaps not.

You could just save time and, for a little more, see an escort and get a guaranteed outcome.

Strip Club

I guess I'm the enigma. I've been to strip clubs less than ten times in my whole life. And honestly, I don't care for the experience.

Can you get "takeout," where a girl goes home with you? (Takeout is similar to an outcall).


But, those girls are wanting to make money off dancing, getting tipped for lap dances, and making a profit in selling drinks.

Going to a strip club is another YMMV situation. Going to an escort has a much higher probability of getting laid and for a more reasonable rate.
hotrix1's Avatar
Dang there 'bird. Now I feel like I'm the Grasshopper and you, Master.

You gunning for MODtardation? Or ADMINtardation? Just kidding.

I know there's got to be more guys that would agree that this should be a sticky. +1 here.
hotrix1's Avatar
Mother Heffer! I only hit the backarrow key after a 504! Originally Posted by Precious_b
What's the matter b? You must read real sloooow like.
Been getting a few 504 timeouts lately myself.
Incall / Outcall

Incall - is where you go to the provider's location.

It will either be a motel/hotel or their private residence.

Outcall - is where you have the escort come to your location.

NEVER use your home to host out of.

An outcall makes a lot of sense if you're traveling. If it's work-based travel, even better as your company will pay for the hotel room.

Not all escorts are keen to do outcalls. It makes them uneasy and adds additional risk.

As they venture into the unknown, they will have the same thoughts we do.

- Am I going to get robbed?
- Am I going to a sting?

Usually, outcalls are a little more expensive than incalls to take into consideration that the provider will have to travel to you.

Although some providers will provide a discount if the client does an outcall. (The escort doesn't have to book a hotel).


Base of Operations

Think of a hotel as your base of operations. It's not just as a place where you lay your head.

Location, location, location.

That's the phrase you'll often hear if you're thinking about starting a business.

You may also hear of this concept as "logistics." It's the same idea, be somewhere that makes life convenient and easy for you.

Location is a critical factor in everything. Being in a good location can make or break you.

For hobbyists, getting a good hotel opens up possibilities.

- It's easier to get an escort to agree to an outcall to your place if the hotel is beautiful and easily accessible.

- Being in a good location makes getting to restaurants, tourist attractions, or an escort's incall because transportation should be more accessible.

- These are in upscale, safer areas. It makes you less of a potential target for a violent crime.

Membership Programs

Here's my advice.

Join them all. It's free and costs you nothing.

Find a large hotel chain that you like and use them as often as possible.

The Marriott is my hotel of choice. I have their credit card that automatically sets me as a "Silver" member. Typically, you would have to stay ten days a year at their hotels to qualify for "Silver" status. There is an annual fee of $95.

With the Silver level of membership, I get free WiFi on my stays. If I stay ten nights within a year, my Silver membership upgrades to Gold.

As a member, you gain points which can be renewed for airline miles, free night stays, etc. Also, as a member, I get one free hotel stay a year.

When I book my stays off the Marriott App, I have gotten lower rates than quoted on other sites, i.e., Expedia, Travelocity, etc.

If you are traveling corporate and have to use their agency travel website, then link your travel rewards number to your profile. This way, you'll still get credit for business trips.

Star Ratings

Ratings are a generalization but should give you an idea of what amenities to expect.

Hostels - found mostly in Europe. This is usually a large room with several beds and a shared bathroom. It can be unisex.

You'll usually have a dayroom where you can socialize with other travelers. Bring a lock for your locker.

1 Star - offers only the essentials while still meeting reasonable hygiene and security standards

Examples are Econolodge and Motel 6.

2 Star - provides the bare essentials with some comfort quality.

Examples are Days Inn, Best Western, and La Quinta Inn.

3 Star - provides average amenities, higher quality service, physical attributes and design.

Examples are Hyatt, Marriott Courtyard, DoubleTree, Four Points, and Holiday Inn.

4 Star / 5 Star - a hotel that provides above average, deluxe service and experience for the guest. First Class, and has a larger range of facilities available and the design is high quality. All service standards are aimed towards pleasing the guest.

Examples are Marriott, Hilton, Renaissance, Sheraton, and Westin.

Picking a Hotel

When I'm traveling, I look for a four or five-star hotel. Usually, those hotels will have plenty of restaurants and attractions nearby. It will often be easy to get to and have plenty of metro options. I've stayed at hotels that have had their metro station (i.e., Prague, Montreal).

If I'm going to be in an area for a short time (extended layover), I will get a hotel near the airport or train station. Otherwise, I'll choose a location near city-center or the hot spots (i.e., French Quarter in New Orleans, or Times Square in Manhattan).


- Location (usually near hot spots, city center, train stations, airports)
- An excellent location opens up outcall sessions.
- Accessibility (easy to get to, possible transit options)
- Shuttle Service to and from airport
- Amenities (ATM, Currency Exchange, bar, in-house restaurant, etc.)
- Concierge
- Nearby Attractions (restaurants, convenience stores, shopping, tourist attractions)
- Request something on a higher floor (You'll get a better view of the city skyline, beach or mountains. It makes for a lovely romantic setting.
You'll sleep better as you won't hear traffic noise.)
- Better beds


- Price

If you're trying to travel on a budget, look for a four/star hotel for its location. Look for alternative options that are nearby (1-3 star hotels, hostels, Airbnb, etc.)

Also, try discount travel websites like Priceline,, etc.

Another Consideration:

A few years ago, I was in York, England. I tried saving money on the hotel room. I went to and got a Best Western that was nine miles away from the city center. I had to take a cab each time I wanted to go from the hotel to the city at the cost of £20.

I should've spent £40 more a night for a better hotel, close to the rail station or city center. I would've gotten a better hotel room and saved the commute time.


A lot of times, people see the price of a hotel and forget everything else. You do get what you pay for.

If you get a cheap hotel, you'll more than likely get a cheap bed. Those are the worst for cleanliness, quality of sleep, and worn-out springs that make too much noise when having sex.

A few years ago, I was staying at the Hilton in the French Quarter of New Orleans. I got there late and got four hours of sleep before having to get up.

I awoke refreshed and rejuvenated. I got one of the best night's sleep in my life.

A good rule of thumb is to request a King bed in a non-smoking room, on a higher level floor. Make sure it's a four or five-story hotel that has a reliable elevator.

Lesson Learned:

A few years ago, I went to London with my then-English girlfriend at the time.

We stayed at a Days Inn. They had what looked like a King Sized Bed. My girlfriend pushed me on top of the bed.

Little did I know, they combined two twins. The combined weight of my girlfriend and I split the bed, and I ended up with a concussion.

A definite mood kill.

Also, when we went out, we would put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. Housekeeping ignored it and went into our room anyway.

Get the better hotel if you can afford it.


A good concierge is worth his or her weight in gold.

He/she will provide a depth of area knowledge that would be hard to duplicate from Internet research alone.

I was leaving England, and I wanted to spend the night close to Heathrow. I booked a hotel in Hounslow, at the Renaissance Hotel.

The website was very vague about how to get there. I did some research and decided I would take the Tube and get off at the Hounslow station on the Victoria Line.

I called the Concierge and asked if this was the best way to get there.

He said no.

He instructed me to go to the Heathrow Bus/Coach Station outside Terminal 3. Once outside, I would need to go to Stall 16-19. Then I would need to look for Bus 105, 111, and 140. He told me I wouldn’t need to pay, and that I could ride for free. I was instructed to pull the cord at the Bath - Nene exit. Once I got there, I would hit the cross button to stop traffic and walk across the street.

Once there, I got an early check-in at 10:30 a.m., dropped off my luggage, took a quick shower, and returned to London via the bus (didn’t have to cross the street to return), and took the Tube located at Terminal 2/3.

This is the reason why it’s never a bad idea to talk to the Concierge.
techiedad36 & precious_b,

I'm really glad you gentlemen enjoyed the read.
ho trix,

Being a mod and an admin is a tough, thankless job. I'm not sure if I'm cut from the right cloth to take such a responsibility.

Not gunning for anything.

I just wrote the guide I wish I could've read when I first started hobbying.
Camelguy's Avatar
When are you gonna put it on audio book for us dumbasses that can't read!

This is by far the most epic work you have bestowed upon us !!

Thank you for sharing and taking the time to write this !!!
Camelguy's Avatar
Self delete

I'm not a doctor, nor do I have a medical background. I didn't look up any case studies, nor did I look up any skewed statistics. All of the following is my uneducated opinion.

I'm very mindful of the use of alcohol.

For the hobbyists, here is the rule.

Do not show up under the influence of alcohol or any substances for an appointment with a provider.

The disadvantages are:

- It could impair your performance.
- It is a huge turn off for the ladies.

A lot of providers will ask you to leave if you show up intoxicated or under the influence of any substances.

If I'm going to a provider's incall, I'll never show up intoxicated. I think a couple of times, I've had a provider offer me an alcoholic beverage.

My rule of thumb is moderation.

I'll have one drink and call it quits.

A single drink can ease the nerves and loosen inhibitions. But, alcohol is also a depressant and can lower sexual performance.

I don't want to be under any influence.

For drugs, I've never used anything.

I don't condone anything above recreational marijuana unless you have a prescription from a doctor.

If you need a Viagra or any like medication, it's okay. As long as it enhances performances, rather than decreases it.

While I don't have any statistics, my opinion is to be clean for your meeting.


Confidence is one of the things that turn women on. However, it is one of the qualities a lot of men are lacking.

A lack of confidence will make a woman doubt you.

How do you gain confidence?

Everyone has a talent or something they are exceptional at. I would recommend focusing on that as a starting point.

If you have a natural talent, use it to your advantage.

Earlier in this guide, I've mentioned the Navy's Top Gun program and football players. Fighter pilots and athletes have one thing in common. They have absolute confidence in themselves and are striving toward perfection.

Signs of Insecurity

- Lack of Eye Contact (The exception would be in Asian cultures, as it is considered rude to look someone in the eye)
- Poor Posture. Stand tall, shoulders back, head up.
- Walking without a purpose.
- Closed off Body Language.
- Intimidation when talking to women.
- Being tense instead of relaxed.
- Asking closed-ended questions.
- Lack of assertiveness
- A need to explain your decisions or gain permission.
- You can't give or handle compliments

The Greek Method

The ancient Greek philosopher, Thales, attributed to being a complete man, needed to be of "a sound mind in a sound body."

Good physical conditioning can improve one's self-confidence and performance in the bedroom.

Sports Psychology

While there are several psychology methods, I believe sports psychology is one of the best and most accessible means for people to tap into their potential.

It's based upon setting goals, working hard, believing in your dream, and never giving up.

The following is probably one of the best motivational speeches I've heard.

When I see a woman, my goal is to break her down physically, mentally, and emotionally (without violence).

I've even told women this before we've started.


I use the analogy of the 1950s and 60s Green Bay Packers coached by Vince Lombardi. His go-to play was the Power Sweep. Of course, they had several variations they would use based on the defensive adjustments.

My philosophy, as well as the Packers, is you know what's coming, but see if you can stop it.


The following quotes are quite inspirational. There is no limit to human performance with the right frame of mind.

"The question isn't who is going to let me, but who is going to stop me." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged.

"We will either find a way or make one," - Hannibal Barca of Carthage, when told that is was impossible to get elephants across the Alps.

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right" - Henry Ford.

Remember that the hobby is a part of life, but it shouldn't be your life.

If you can make improvements in your life, then those rewards will reap into everything you do, including the hobby. Always remember, we can all get better.
Camelguy, I’m glad you enjoyed the read.

An audiobook? LOL. I don’t that’ll happen anytime soon.

I just released another addendum. I think I’m done.

Work has got me pretty tied up for now, but can’t wait to get out and hit the streets again.
Great read BB good job on it

As for the locations I’ve used my home for a few encounters ... couple times with a few eccie ladies but they were long time faves and ( I’ll say this but may get flamed ) I do trust them the few that have been here
Quite a few times with SA chicks and P411 chicks and again it was trusted and I still keep in touch with them
Prob never with a skip chick that’s not Verified or even multiple reviews
It’s just a select few that I’ve been with multiple multiple times!