
Scent for me can be an aphrodisiac. In particular, I can recall two women from my younger days who I can think of and their scent comes back to me right away and causes a reaction. Perhaps their hormone levels were just right, I don't know. To this day, the scent of a natural woman serves as a huge turn on for me. Anyone else in this particular boat? Ladies, does the scent of an aroused male affect you in any way?
Interesting topic,my sense of taste is not that great. It has been that way ever since I started dumping hot sauce and eating ghost pepers raw as a teenager.

I suspect my sense of tast has affected my sense of smell. Usually light smells are difficult for me to detect. Usually for me to smell a sent I need it to be a strong scent or for person to be drowning in that scent.

Years ago I had a woman break up with me as I never brought her perfume (there were other problems too.). That was the main reason she broke up with me. She felt I wasn't paying attention and the effort she was putting into the relationship. When in reality I couldn't smell a Mr. Lincoln Rose.
yourdesire's Avatar
My sense of smell and taste can be hypersensitive sometimes and that's never good for me
laserface's Avatar
I really key into the way women smell, and it can really put me in a mood...

There was one woman I used to hang out with (not in the context of the hobby, though she was a former provider...) who would sometimes go for several days without showering. She didn't "smell" or anything, but she did have a distinct scent, and it was noticeable - and once I caught a whiff of it, I could barely think straight... She was aware of that, and sometimes she'd do it on purpose to tease me... :-)

When I see someone, and I know she's going to suggest that I go down on her, or some 69 play, I've been known to practically beg her to not shower right before I see her. If I'm going to get that intimate with someone, I want to really experience it - I don't want to put my face in a woman's lap and smell nothing but Ivory Soap...

I've been like this as long as I can remember. I recall one young lady that I used to spend time with back when I was in college, when the weather started to get warm and she began to sweat a little, she took on a scent that was something like warm milk. Not sure how to really describe it, but it was very comforting. If I close my eyes and think about it, I literally can recall her scent as if I was with her again...
I really key into the way women smell, and it can really put me in a mood...

There was one woman I used to hang out with (not in the context of the hobby, though she was a former provider...) who would sometimes go for several days without showering. n a scent that was something like warm milk. Not sure how to really describe it, but it was very comforting. If I close my eyes and think about it, I literally can recall her scent as if I was with her again... Originally Posted by laserface
To each his own. For you this works, for me I find this gross.
laserface's Avatar
For many (most? I dunno...) people, of all the physical senses, the sense of smell is the one that is most closely tied to memory and emotion. Long story short, if a scent is connected in your mind to something good, it's likely that you'll like it - and if it's connected to something unpleasant, you'll find it "gross".

Case in point - the young lady I mentioned who had a scent when she started to sweat that was kind of similar to warm milk. There's kind of a long story here, but you'll see the point of it afterwards... I knew her a very long time ago - I was still in college, she was a couple years younger than I was, had an absolutely amazing body, and was really the first woman I ever got "seriously" sexually interested in (like, "serious" enough to actually try to do something about it). We'd sometimes hang out together, back in the days when watching rented movies on VHS tapes was a thing. Sometimes we'd do that at her parents' house (since she still lived with them at the time). Once in a blue moon, if she was feeling particularly generous (and her parents weren't home...), as we were sitting on the couch watching the movie, she'd pull me in towards her, and let me lay my head on her breasts - she was the first girl that ever let me do anything like that with her (yeah, I was a late bloomer...). (Sadly, that's pretty much all she'd ever let me do, but that's another story, for another time...) She habitually wore these V-neck sweaters, not only did they pleasantly expose her cleavage, but they also had a tendency to make her sweat. And as I said, she had this characteristic scent of warm milk when she started sweating. So when she had me laying there with my head on her chest, I was absolutely, deliriously happy because I'd never gotten to do anything like that before (and I hoped it would lead to more - of course it didn't, but...), and all I could smell at the time was this "warm milk" scent coming from inside her sweater... To this day, if I ever smell anything that smells even a little like warm milk. my mind is instantly transported back to those times with that young lady on her parents' couch, and I start to feel all the emotions I felt at that time - it just all comes rushing back. And if I just start thinking about her on my own, I can perceive that scent, even though it's not really there.

Smell is a really complicated sense, it can affect people in all kinds of unexpected ways...
starway's Avatar
My comments are directed specifically about the smell / taste of a women’s pussy. I absolutely love the smell of an aroused pussy. But generally speaking the women that I have encounters I would be unable to tell one from another. Black, white, Asian they are generally the same amazing thing to me.

However I did have one lover who’s pussy was ultra rich in smell and I loved it. I loved to eat her out and have my face cover in her juice. After sex I wouldn’t wash my face so that I could smell her on me. Then one day I decided not to wipe up at all after we fucked. So our mingled cum was covering my cock and my face since I ate my cream pie from her pussy. But I went home and a couple hours later I was looking at some photos of her and still smelling us on my face and cock I licked my bad and started stroking my cock while looking at photos of her. The wetness of my saliva reactived the scent and so Kept licking my hand and stroking and smelling her wonderful scent.

I told her about this and she thought that was hot. So we started to do this thing often where we would fuck and get each other as messy as possible and not clean up then we would get together a little later and either have phone sex, video sex or whatever and make ourselves cum. It was so enhanced my the smell of each other. It’s been 10 years or so since we broke up but it’s like I can still smell her in my mind like no other. Her scent is easy to recall to mind. I still will sometimes look at pictures of her and stroke myself and it’s like I can smell her.
I agree a taste and smell of a couple of hours makes the Y more enjoyable than a just washed pussy
My comments are directed specifically about the smell / taste of a women’s pussy. I absolutely love the smell of an aroused pussy. But generally speaking the women that I have encounters I would be unable to tell one from another. Black, white, Asian they are generally the same amazing thing to me.

However I did have one lover who’s pussy was ultra rich in smell and I loved it. I loved to eat her out and have my face cover in her juice. After sex I wouldn’t wash my face so that I could smell her on me. Then one day I decided not to wipe up at all after we fucked. So our mingled cum was covering my cock and my face since I ate my cream pie from her pussy. But I went home and a couple hours later I was looking at some photos of her and still smelling us on my face and cock I licked my bad and started stroking my cock while looking at photos of her. The wetness of my saliva reactived the scent and so Kept licking my hand and stroking and smelling her wonderful scent.

I told her about this and she thought that was hot. So we started to do this thing often where we would fuck and get each other as messy as possible and not clean up then we would get together a little later and either have phone sex, video sex or whatever and make ourselves cum. It was so enhanced my the smell of each other. It’s been 10 years or so since we broke up but it’s like I can still smell her in my mind like no other. Her scent is easy to recall to mind. I still will sometimes look at pictures of her and stroke myself and it’s like I can smell her. Originally Posted by starway
Hahahaha, That sounds like something one might read in a Playboy Magazine forum section.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Scent for me can be an aphrodisiac. In particular, I can recall two women from my younger days who I can think of and their scent comes back to me right away and causes a reaction. Perhaps their hormone levels were just right, I don't know. To this day, the scent of a natural woman serves as a huge turn on for me. Anyone else in this particular boat? Ladies, does the scent of an aroused male affect you in any way? Originally Posted by awildcat1
On of the reasons I like pubic hair on a man is because it's fun to bury my face in his pubes. Plus, the musky smell is great.

It's not a dirty type of smell. Just raw and sexual.

I like a slightly smelly man. Probably related to pheromones, etc.

ha. It's true!

DallasRain's Avatar
I luv the simple smells on men
Axe/Irish spring/old spice And especially love a light cologne like eternity or Gucci on a man

On a woman I like vanilla/orange/and sunflower (especially on miss YD above)

I also am a that lol
I luv smelling MY juices or another gal's on a gents beard!!
so pheromones are a real thing, and i am very attuned to them. humans have thousands of pheromone receptacles in their nose and mouth, and if you pay attention, you can really find out a lot about somebody just from that. i can smell all kinds of things about a person even several feet away. oftentimes this is part of my 6th sense or how i can vibe people. i can smell evil on a person, or good on a person. i can smell if a person is sick or healthy. i can smell lies or truth on a person. im not activally sniffing, im just very attuned....

when it comes to intimate w/ somebody, i can achieve orgasm just from smell alone. its almost like i can be addicted to my lovers smell. i had a lover in my early 20's who would lick my lips w/ her tongue while we kissed and i can still remember how how that made me. i could smell her tongue and it always got me off. i love licking pussy and ass, and i could do that for hours at a time. having pubic hair keeps that smell stronger for longer and i can remember getting busy w/ hippy mama's back in the day who were clean....and they smelled wonderful....if they stayed clean
ArchAngel10's Avatar
Oh yes! When my GF wears a perfume called Amerage. OMG! But only when she wears it. It even turns on some of the women in her office too. Ive smelled it on other women. It doesnt have the same effect on me. It does remind me of her.
Nobody has yet mentioned other delicious scents. There's the obvious tired feet in nylon after a hard day at work.... or even the socks and sneakers after the gym. Nothing too extreme, but I adore it when having some foot fetish fun is enhanced with some aromatic and tasty additions.
Which leads me into, I'm a sucker for a non deodorizer under arm. If there's some hot, passionate fun to be had taking a deep breath from a women's armpit is a huge turn on.