his last review suggests that he has had BBBJ. Gonorrhea of the mouth is very common.
Originally Posted by BeardedMenace
Where did you get that info from. The CDC website? Are you saying it’s more common to contract an unprotected oral std than it is to contract the same via unprotected vaginal sex. Because I would respectfully disagree. As the mouth has more saliva which may kill or eradicate things as well as stomach acids. The vagina does not.
The vagina is much more exposed to it and highly vacuous such as the mouth but has less protectors. There’s stuff we don’t know. Did he participate in stripper slide, did he have uncovered relations, etc. I’m willing to bet this wasnt contracted from oral though. And definitely moreso vaginal. He would have probably noticed a smell or she would have been maybe uncomfortable and hesitant to let him go down.
But who knows we can only speculate until he private messages all of us. I know his box will more than likely be flooded by now with an inquiry on his sexual applause mystery.........