
sergeant11679's Avatar
Come on DM, someone please review her! Is she real? Or is she to good to be true!?
No kidding...
I've gotten 2 hey texts form her then radio silence
x"CY"ting's Avatar
Me too. Tgtbt in my opinion
sergeant11679's Avatar
Oh come on!!! I'm so sick of the awesome phonies!!! Why?
Has to be tgtbt..... there was a Trinity that I had asked about a while back that was supposed to be legit but didn't get to see her as she quit posting....any chance she's the same? Different number and pics though
That’s 2 more hey texts than I got. BS
She is on SA as well. same pics.
So, still nada? I’m told nada is imposible
ShyDaniel's Avatar
Bogus. The pictures belong to a Russian model named Petrova Miroslava. One of the pics in particular is the profile pic of this model.