Encounter: Lenexa Roxy Bait and Switch

Date: 6/16/2020
Name: Roxy
Phone: 816-579-6210
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://escortalligator.com.listcraw.../kc/51886190/#
City: Lenexa
State: Kansas
Address: 79th and Quivira
Activities: None
Hair Length and Color: Shoulder length Dirty Blonde
Age: 25
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Chubby short white girl with acne
Recommendation: No
Good for you letting the big head do the thinking!
So I will put my friends pictures in my ad so when someone sees the ad and recognizes her (boyfriend, father, brother, uncle etc), I will have ruined her life and reputation.
Too bad. Those pics are smoking hot
NoHalo4Me's Avatar
Roxy: I use my GF's pics because I don't use my photos on line.
Me: You are in luck, I don't use my money in my wallet, this money comes from my board game called Monopoly. The money looks the same as my money.
Here is $400. Let's visit Park Place!
The girl in question has been using bait and switch for quite a while. I believe she is the one who got me kicked off listcrawler for commenting she was fake on her ads. She always says she’s located in Lenexa or Shawnee. The first time I met her she told me the pics were her roommate and she had an emergency. I left and a few weeks later responded to a different ad with different pic only to be given the same apt. I opted to not show and she kept texting me apologizing. Either way bait and switch is not acceptable in my view.
LaggerHead's Avatar
Side question... Was she acceptable (as in looks) and

Staff edit: Any discussions of this nature or of this topic MUST be in private tags in public forums to avoid infractions and points. This has been the case for some time now and this warning has been posted several dozen times, at least. The warnings are over. Added private tags–S31
What pics???