books that tell

VitaMan's Avatar
Now we have John Bolton following the familiar pattern of a government employee that has lost his job........tell all tour.

Let' see........Hillary.....Michell e Obama......Colin Powell (he got extra mileage by cleverly not saying whether he would run for president or not while on the book tour).

These people are disgusting.
boardman's Avatar
It will get worse.

This is what draining the swamp looks like.

Anyone thinking the alligators and rats would leave quietly was not using their brain.
Some of these people will do anything to keep Trump from being re elected so that they can get back inside the beltway and return the cess pool to normal levels.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
interesting isn't it? for decades johnny "walrus face" bolton was considered a far right warmonger by the left. he writes a work of fiction slamming Lord Donald the Great and suddenly he's the darling of the left.

does anyone on the left really believe that if bolton can backup his baseless claims that he would have testified? well he didn't because of this pesky thing called being under oath. he can spew all his crap in print .. or not (his book may land him in jail or at least have any profit seized because it seems he didn't actually get final approval to print) he wants but it's clear the real reason he refused to testify .. after Lord Donald the Great fired his warmongering ass .. is because he made it all up and can't prove one single thing in his book. it's fiction.

TryWeakly's Avatar
It will get worse.

This is what draining the swamp looks like.

Anyone thinking the alligators and rats would leave quietly was not using their brain.
Some of these people will do anything to keep Trump from being re elected so that they can get back inside the beltway and return the cess pool to normal levels. Originally Posted by boardman

VitaMan's Avatar
Everytime a president fires him he writes a book
CryptKicker's Avatar
Originally Posted by VitaMan
Couldn't have said it better. LOL
TryWeakly's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Latest comment by our president:

“ I have lowlife dummy John Bolton, a war mongering fool, violating the law (he released massive amounts of Classified Information) and an NDA in order to build badly needed credibility and make a few dollars, which….will all end up going to the government anyway.”