Dallas County officially passed a law requiring everyone to wear masks when they go to a business!

matchingmole's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

to rob it or buy something?

pfunkdenver's Avatar
to rob it or buy something?

BAHHAHAAAAAAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well, gurl, if you can't figure it out, maybe you need to go back to school. Right?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well, gurl, if you can't figure it out, maybe you need to go back to school. Right? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

so which one are yous?

i don't care about black lives .. because you don't care about black lives .. if yous don't care .. why should i?

if yous did you'd be in Detroit or Chicago imploring your tribes to stop killing themselves. why aren't you?

Q: what race was the most instrumental in African slave trading?
A: Black tribes

you know the truth .. yet yous hide behind criminals like Georgie Pink Floyd and sleepy (drunk) Brooks.

why do yous deny your own racist past and then blame it all on whitey?
Dallas County officially passed a law requiring everyone to wear masks when they go to a business! Originally Posted by matchingmole
I'm guessing it won't get much enforcement. If it's like it was in PA, it's largely just for show.

Put up some signs and you will have some increased compliance with mask usage.

From what I read about the Dallas law, only businesses are subject to fine and a max of $500 for each occurrence. No civil or criminal penalty can be enforced on individuals not complying.

All show, no substance.
  • oeb11
  • 06-20-2020, 09:31 AM
It is also a show of how LibDPST's view free enterprise - as something to be taxed and regulated out of existence.

As clay jenkins thinks - but won't state- "LibDPST ideology uber alles"!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So why are the Biden and Pelosi Halloweeny masks not available?