but but but he was hammered for closing travel to/from China
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Yeah, meanwhile 400,000 were still coming here from China as of April alone. Not to mention how many were still coming here from everywhere else.
And if that's not bad enough, the major influx of people who rushed back from China to beat the ban were all bunched together in mobs in airports waiting to get their temperatures taken. Brilliant!
And apparently you failed to read the 3rd quote i have above - which is eerily similar to several other quotes from him in regards to China, in spite of his rhetoric now in trying to blame China.
And if you wanna bring up China not being very forthcoming, fine. But if you're the President of the US, and you're fooled by happy talk coming from China (China!) regarding a viral pandemic that got its start there, then you're too damn stupid to be President. But stupidity seems to be a feature around here and not a bug.
Dumbest gov in history as they say....
Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Yeeeeeeeahhhhhhh, if i attempted to defend Andrew Cuomo by bringing up the GOP Governors in Texas, Florida, Arizona, Oklahoma, etc etc etc and what's going on there, i suspect it wouldn't be a very compelling argument.
But thanks for playing.