EPA approves Lysol Disinfectant Spray as effective against Covid-19

  • oeb11
  • 07-07-2020, 02:31 PM

The US Environmental Protection Agency has approved two Lysol products as effective against the novel coronavirus when used on hard, non-porous surfaces.
© Houston Cofield/Bloomberg/Getty Images A member of Independent Presbyterian Church sprays an organ with Lysol to take precautions against the spread of the coronavirus at the church in Memphis, Tennessee, on March 29. Lysol Disinfectant Spray and Lysol Disinfectant Max Cover Mist meet the EPA's criteria for use against the SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the ongoing pandemic, based on laboratory testing that found both products kill the virus two minutes after contact, the agency announced in a statement Monday.

While there are more than 420 products on the list of disinfectants that the EPA says are strong enough to ward off "harder-to-kill" viruses than the novel coronavirus, the two Lysol products are the first to have been tested directly against the virus and proved effective.
Lysol said in a statement it is currently working on testing the efficacy of other disinfectant products against Covid-19.
"In the face of the pandemic, Lysol continues to work with a wide range of scientific and health experts to educate the public on the importance of hygiene," said Rahul Kadyan, executive vice president of Reckitt Benckiser in North America, Lysol's parent company.
The news comes one month after a CDC survey found that people said they were cleaning more frequently because of the pandemic, but only about half said that they really knew how to clean and disinfect their home safely.
Of those people who were surveyed that acknowledged that they used high-risk cleaning practices to prevent the spread of Covid-19, more were likely to report health problems related to cleaning.
The CDC recommends that people always read the instructions on cleaning products. When cleaning, wear gloves or other protective gear. And don't mix cleaning chemicals.

Disclaimer for the DPST's - written at 3rd grade level for comprehension"

The EPA made the recommendation - not Trump
Lysol is only recommended sprayed on hard surfaces - Tile, floors, bathtubs, DPST brains.

Do not use Lysol intravenously as a cure or prevention for Wuhan virus. It will Kill You!

Simple enough for those without TDS - but perhaps there is a place for Darwinian natural selection in the human Herd.
matchingmole's Avatar
Do not use Lysol intravenously as a cure or prevention for Wuhan virus

.sounds like something Trump would not say
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm waiting for the dance through an open bonfire cure claim.
Bbq darwinism
matchingmole's Avatar
I think OEB is going to disinfect this forum with Lysol...since he seems to live here. lol
  • oeb11
  • 07-07-2020, 07:50 PM
Typical DPST rationale - The solution does not follow the premise.

But what else can we expect from Teacher's Union and Ivy league educations - they only teach marxist rhetoric.

Ah, what a shame and waste of minds.

mm is welcome to use Lysol any way he;she wants to protest Trump.
Ripmany's Avatar
I have see a can in the stores since covid-19 began glad it not toillet papper.