Shut Down the NBA

The NBA would become a serious vector for COVID-19 transmissions from player to player, who are likely effectively immune but would pass it on to all the pathetic hangers on that they support with their obscene salaries.

The fat old geezers in the stands, who drag their wives to the games and think they are doing something nice for the bored women, will be drinking and idolizing the athletes who hate them as pathetic bafoons and yelling and screaming and aerosolizing the virus for the other pathetic losers who couldn't play the game in their youth and think they are having fun yelling for the mercenaries who wear the local jerseys even though they can't really articulate what they like about the game anymore.

So, they are going to play in a "bubble" with no fans but it will have all the charm of those fucking game films we used to watch in high school to dissect what the other team was doing and who to watch out for on game night.

Who the fuck will watch that bullshit? Without the fans, who can't attend due to the virus from Wuhan, China - what is the point? The players feed of the fans and vice versa.

We need people to work and do the critical functions in our society such as school, manufacturing, business, government, etc.

We are going to have to do without large gatherings and the associated collateral damage - even if it means the NBA, and other leagues with a similiar situation, lose billions.

Outdoor games with significant social distancing will likely lose the crowd effects as well. Baseball as a game is fine with the spacing but without the fans it is too slow and no different than a sparsely attended high school game.

Sadly, Trump will have to postpone his rallies for the same reasons. It sucks but we all have to sacrifice.
The NBA can kiss my ass.

That bunch of ingrates are huge “useful idiots” for the Chinese Communist Party, with that shithead LeBron leading the way.

Fuck ‘em.
The NBA will allow players to put stuff like "Black Lives Matter" on the backs of their jerseys. The "playoffs" will extend into December. They are paying players to sit. Not that I'm sympathetic to the owners either.

My main gripe is I'm paying to see football, basketball and baseball on cable and nothing. No rebate either. Sent request to GoogleTV and got form letter.
  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2020, 08:21 AM
Agreed - I have no use for the NBA and its spoiled brat players.

Nowitzski was the one class act in teh NBA - he is now gone.

They will not get one buck from me.

let 'em pander to comrade Xi and eat rice and bush meat.
winn dixie's Avatar
I welcome the nba to look at their own hypocrisy with china and nike. child labor and a communist regime
bambino's Avatar
Move them to China. XI will tell them what to put on their uniforms.
Amen to every comment so far!
Agreed - I have no use for the NBA and its spoiled brat players.

Nowitzski was the one class act in teh NBA - he is now gone.

They will not get one buck from me.

let 'em pander to comrade Xi and eat rice and bush meat. Originally Posted by oeb11
Who knows what is in that meat...
  • Tiny
  • 07-10-2020, 12:11 PM
Agreed 100% FF
I can't really see any of the big sports getting going again without a vaccine to protect the crowds. There are too many people getting sick on practice fields to think that 100 guys can be together on a sideline.

They just kicked a soccer team out for having too many sick players.
JRLawrence's Avatar
The NBA will allow players to put stuff like "Black Lives Matter" on the backs of their jerseys. The "playoffs" will extend into December. They are paying players to sit. Not that I'm sympathetic to the owners either.

My main gripe is I'm paying to see football, basketball and baseball on cable and nothing. No rebate either. Sent request to GoogleTV and got form letter. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You have an option: cancel Google TV, now.

Yes, just think of how much money you saved.

They will not get one buck from me.

. Originally Posted by oeb11
with the interconnected web of financial transactions out there

you'd have to just about cut off cable and the internet and not buy anything from any body to not have some of your money wind its circuitous way to labron's pocket
  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2020, 01:38 PM
As little as possible - likely the amount from me pesonally into leBron's commie pocket is less than $!.00.

hilarious - a capitalist NBA mega richie - shilling for the communist party of China.

He should donate his entire wealth to Comrade Xi in solidarity!
You have an option: cancel Google TV, now.

Yes, just think of how much money you saved. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
I'm thinking about it.

There's many issues. 1) They are raising the price $10 and adding 4 channels nobody in my houseold will every watch. 2) No current major sports 3) Continues with basket pricing. There's probably 15 channels I watch. Why can't I pay for those and just those? Are we still in the 1990s?

Thinking about getting a VPN service and/or jailbroken Kodi like device. PM me if you have suggestions.
I'm thinking about it.

There's many issues. 1) They are raising the price $10 and adding 4 channels nobody in my houseold will every watch. 2) No current major sports 3) Continues with basket pricing. There's probably 15 channels I watch. Why can't I pay for those and just those? Are we still in the 1990s?

Thinking about getting a VPN service and/or jailbroken Kodi like device. PM me if you have suggestions. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I'm going to cut mine back as well.

Tired of paying for things I do not watch.