Now you can't shot them even when they shoot at you

HedonistForever's Avatar
A Black man pulls out a gun, fires it at a cop and the cops shoot him. Of course there is a protest and of course one idiot steps forward and says the cops didn't have to shot him, could have just let him go AFTER he shot at them or could have just shot him in the leg as Biden suggested which of course would give the guy a chance to fire at cops again.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

meanwhile in Colorado ..

  • oeb11
  • 07-12-2020, 10:53 AM
DisArm- Defund-disband the Police

Go right on ahead - Libdem officials - Let Seattle take the lead and see what happens

There will not be anyone to protect mayor jenny's house from OBLM terrorists - LOL

Not to mention outlawing Caucasians and emptying prisons.

LibDems have a great marxist platform to run on.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The sad part is that the disarming/defunding of cops will effect (harm) the lower classes almost exclusively. The protesters are raging for the destruction of their own neighborhoods. Out here in the burbs we’ve got security systems, dogs, and more weapons than you can count.
winn dixie's Avatar
The sad part is that the disarming/defunding of cops will effect (harm) the lower classes almost exclusively. The protesters are raging for the destruction of their own neighborhoods. Out here in the burbs we’ve got security systems, dogs, and more weapons than you can count. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
These rioters and looters best believe that! Other wise they be seeing they dead homies
Why does it feel like terrorists are taking over the country?
  • oeb11
  • 07-12-2020, 12:23 PM
Civil War is coming
Why else are teh LibDems trying to destroy the Second amendment and confiscate arms - ala kalifornia.

They do not want to face an armed populace they seek to impose marxist rule Over.

guess what -LibDems - 'from My Cold Dead hands"!!!

More Likely - "From my hands burned to bone by a Red Hot barrel after taking out hundreds of Libdem marxists. /

9500- No Joke!!!
Gotyour6's Avatar
Civil War is coming
Why else are teh LibDems trying to destroy the Second amendment and confiscate arms - ala kalifornia.

They do not want to face an armed populace they seek to impose marxist rule Over.

guess what -LibDems - 'from My Cold Dead hands"!!!

More Likely - "From my hands burned to bone by a Red Hot barrel after taking out hundreds of Libdem marxists. /
9500- No Joke!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Civil War has been here.
The shooting starts at the end of the war.
that is the new and coming thing

the legal argument soon to be asserted against the dwindling pool of remaining cops:

you didn't have to shoot him, you could have run away

you had a car there, and a bullet proof vest,

the first shot he fired was a warning shot, as his uncontested testimony shows

our expert calculates there was a 94% chance you could have made a clean escape,

and only a 6% chance he would have hit you with his nickel plated .44 special from the 22.5 feet he was away from you, if he had fired again

and you and your partner gave him no chance to prove otherwise
Ripmany's Avatar
Just by cop currently he show intention of used
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just by cop currently he show intention of used Originally Posted by Ripmany

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
WHAT? Originally Posted by HedonistForever

thats cjohnny talking
Ripmany's Avatar
The only job where you carry a gun just shot someone, I know zero covid-19 people, I know many cop, when a cop carry a gun he it a right to shoot him.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz