So, many of you KNOW I have been undergoing A LOT of changes and Challenges on a physical level. Some of that restricting my ability to even enjoy a mere glass of wine with my friends & guests.
I have DILIGENTLY been addressing and researching my specific situation.
Our bodies are very hardwired and COMPLEX.
I am an advanced researcher between the combination of ALL OF THE ABOVE.. I have advanced ( So far) without a second procedure
Just an update Also to let you know I can again Wine & Dine with my friends YES YES YES!!!
And Ladies.
If you need any information regarding people who I enjoy
Spending my spare time with
Please keep my information as well.
I will need to know who you know the drill.
I do enjoy a nice Red wine.
Red Roses and Great food & sexy lingerie
& candle & good music Lets just go have FUN!!
I've been down for 2.5 years
You know. It's get up time!!
I'm usually around KCK
Or N.of the River.
HMU.. would love to see my friends again.
It's been a while.