White, Middle Aged Men Getting Eaten by Their Hollywood Monster THey Created

As the wooden boards are taken down from shopfronts and studio lots grind slowly back to life, Hollywood is basking in an unseasonable heatwave.

The famous boulevards shimmer in 40C haze and warm Santa Ana winds fan the Beverly Hills mansions.

Shaken by #MeToo, paralysed by Covid-19, the $50 billion film industry is finally emerging from a four-month lockdown – only to find a new and very different world, where tension is rising as surely as the thermometer.

For if the very public Black Lives Matter protests have polarised America, the silent fallout has now reached Hollywood.

A revolution is under way. White actors are being fired. Edicts from studio bosses make it clear that only minorities – racial and sexual – can be given jobs.

A new wave of what has been termed by some as anti-white prejudice is causing writers, directors and producers to fear they will never work again. One described the current atmosphere as 'more toxic than Chernobyl', with leading actors afraid to speak out amid concern they will be labelled racist.

The first sign came with one of the most powerful black directors in Hollywood, Oscar-winning Jordan Peele – the man behind box office hits such as Get Out and Us – stated in public that he did not want to hire a leading man who was white.

'I don't see myself casting a white dude as the lead in my movie,' Peele said. 'Not that I don't like white dudes. But I've seen that movie before.'

As one studio executive responded privately: 'If a white director said that about hiring a black actor, their career would be over in a heartbeat.' Few doubt it.

Peele is more vocal than most about his hiring policy, but his outlook is increasingly widespread. Dozens of producers, writers and actors have spoken to The Mail on Sunday about the wave of 'reverse racism' pulsing through the industry...


Tough shit for those liberal white men since they helped creat the anti white male culture and they should have to live with the destruction they created for others - until we stop going by skin color at all we have no hope of a unified country. America, led by white hating liberals, is destroying itself.
  • oeb11
  • 07-15-2020, 07:30 AM
DPST's - the most Racist organization in the World.

Racism, Quotas, reparations, set asides, - They are truly racist.

The majority - it is time to wake up and tell the racists to Fuck off!!!!!

Boycott jordan peele and his movies!!!
Boycott china - also one of the most racist countries - after Liberal Amerika - in the world!
Ripmany's Avatar
Hollywood Is Jewish not white men, please take a trip to southern California, not that 10% of the USA live there. Jewish synagogues everywhere. Big buildings are the Oppenheimer building is there. The Jewish Morman church has a temple there.
Hollywood Is Jewish not white men, please take a trip to southern California, not that 10% of the USA live there. Jewish synagogues everywhere. Big buildings are the Oppenheimer building is there. The Jewish Morman church has a temple there. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Jewish men can be white men and usually are, asshole!
DPST's - the most Racist organization in the World.

Racism, Quotas, reparations, set asides, - They are truly racist.

The majority - it is time to wake up and tell the racists to Fuck off!!!!!

Boycott jordan peele and his movies!!!
Boycott china - also one of the most racist countries - after Liberal Amerika - in the world! Originally Posted by oeb11
Damn right my friend!
rexdutchman's Avatar
YUPPER ^^^^^^^
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Desperate times for desperate trumpys.
What proof is contained in your article to back up the claim whites are being fired? What %? There are still way more whites calling the shots.

The Jordan Peele comment is from March, 2019

What % of all Hollywood movies are produced by blacks?
revolutions of the left always kill their own

crazed purists draw their circles of acceptability ever smaller and someone with a toe across the line is subject to the treatment given trotsky even after fleeing to Mexico

or witness robespierre, denounced by his citizens tribunal

Or Hitler’s night of the long knives

All leftism is that way

The American revolution is a gleaming exception to such and stands alone in its promise to all, the same revolution these leftists now are gathering to destroy

You think you will survive if these cruel illiterates win? Hah!

Hollywood, corporate America , politicians, they have given in to appeasement in hopes of surviving and maintaining, they fearfully deny truth for fears sake alone, they are spineless fools
You guys are unraveling before our very eyes just like your president. Get a grip
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2020, 10:19 AM
The j's are bought into the marxist revolution
DPST's do like their bloody walls.
matchingmole's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

dirty harry is still around.

I think you're thinking of Charleston Heston.
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2020, 06:03 PM
History and facts and science are not DPST strong points.
Not to mention the horror and racism of mathematics.
Desperate times for desperate trumpys.
What proof is contained in your article to back up the claim whites are being fired? What %? There are still way more whites calling the shots.

The Jordan Peele comment is from March, 2019

What % of all Hollywood movies are produced by blacks?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
How much money have you sent to black producers to make movies?

I'd guess it is zero - so you aren't doing anything to support their "plight" but whining - but this article is not focusing primarily at the people on the top. We are talking about people who are in the middle of the stack and don't have huge amounts of money and power and therefore have to pretend that they think everyone is equal, when not just anybody has what it takes to be successful in Hollywood.

We are talking about the equivalent of regional managers of a medium to small corporation who are struggling to pay their bills, or a middle of the road writer who can get the job done but is expendable.

These people know they are expendable and since they are white liberal assholes in on the left wing Hollywood bullshit, karma has bit them in the butt and they know it.

The fact that almost no one who argues their point can even give their name speaks to the power they lack. Those who point these things out tend to get "blackballed"* because blacks have won the culture war and now are doing a Sherman's march through the industry to weed out any dissent under penalty of banishment.

One poor motherfucker was actually donating his time to mentor black writers and he is out of work and can't say shit about it or will have to retire. I wonder if he will change his vote to Trump now?

*Is it even legal to use that term anymore?