Why activists are backing Biden!

bambino's Avatar
Because he folds like a lawn chair. Bernie and AOC have already twisted him, why not the Antifa/BLM crowd?

HedonistForever's Avatar
Because he folds like a lawn chair. Bernie and AOC have already twisted him, why not the Antifa/BLM crowd?

https://www.blackenterprise.com/ange...d-by-the-left/ Originally Posted by bambino

Exactly and anybody trying to make the case that Biden is doing this to get the nomination and votes but will change back to the old moderate Biden is fooling themselves or they know better but won't admit it SR!

If Biden were to go back on the things he has promised the Bernie wing of the party, they will roast him on an open spit like a hog and Biden will not take on the fight.

The idea that Biden will veto anything the Bernie wing puts up is laughable.
matchingmole's Avatar
Because he folds like a lawn chair. Bernie and AOC have already twisted him, why not the Antifa/BLM crowd?

https://www.blackenterprise.com/ange...d-by-the-left/ Originally Posted by bambino

This guy flushes like a turd.............
eccieuser9500's Avatar

President Biden’s First Day


It will become immediately clear that in a Biden era politics will shrink back down to normal size. It will be about government programs, not epic wars about why my sort of people are morally superior to your sort of people. In the Trump era a lot of people who don’t care about government got manic about politics.

It will also become immediately clear that in a highly ideological age, America will be led by a man who is not ideological.

Sad but true.

Biden isn't an idealist.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You know nothing about trump.

Why would anyone believe you know anything about Biden?

You're a parrot.

Because he folds like a lawn chair. Bernie and AOC have already twisted him, why not the Antifa/BLM crowd?

https://www.blackenterprise.com/ange...d-by-the-left/ Originally Posted by bambino
bambino's Avatar
You know nothing about trump.

Why would anyone believe you know anything about Biden?

You're a parrot.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You’re an angry drunk that doesn’t know anything.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Cause Biden flips more often than a short order cook
Ripmany's Avatar
Someone need to active there ack dead.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Avoid question you can't answer. Check.
Change subject to one you are familiar with. Check
Project yourself onto your better (because it took you 3 tries to pass GED). Check.
Say something stupid and off topic.

I asked an on-topic question and you came back in trumpy fashion.
Off topic and stupid

Thanks for deflecting your topic. Now we can talk about your drinking problem. Is me asking about your sister and your third, fourth and fifth step-dads okay? And which ones were in BLM?
I get y'all's wacky stories mixed up.
You’re an angry drunk that doesn’t know anything. Originally Posted by bambino
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Do you always say what bambitcho tells you to?

You're more articulate than he is.
Someone need to active there ack dead. Originally Posted by Ripmany
matchingmole's Avatar
JCM800's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Originally Posted by JCM800
So the so called Russian interference happened on Obama's watch.
The so called "Summer of recovery" was under the control of Biden.
What you hope no one says, but I will, is that all of this violence happened under democrat mayors and governors. Tell us the incidence of these acts under republican controlled cities.
No, this is a democrat problem and I'm calling you out as a liar.
bambino's Avatar
You know nothing about trump.

Why would anyone believe you know anything about Biden?

You're a parrot.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Read the link and ask Angela Davis you nitwit. Those are her words, not mine you stupid drunk .
rexdutchman's Avatar
Simple """"STATUS QUO"" IN DC